Chapter 12

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I woke up cuddled up with Zayn. It was 7am and Harry just knocked on the door. At first I told him to fuck off but then he reminded me we were moving so I decided to get up. I elbowed Zayn gently to wake him up. "What?" he mumbled.

"We have to get up." I yawned. He groaned and put his face in the pillow. I rolled my eyes and got up. I threw on my comfy clothes. I put my hair into a messy bun and put the last things in my bags. I sighed and looked around. This was it, I was saying goodbye to my childhood home. I grew up here, I didn't have too many happy memories but it was still sad to leave it. I'm glad I'm leaving but I can't help but feel sad. I went down for breakfast with the boys. "Morning." I smiled.

"Morning." They grumbled. I ate breakfast pretty quickly before going upstairs to make sure I have everything. I took my handbag and a box and starting bringing them into the car. The boys started carrying the boxes out for me since they were quite heavy. They told me they were going on tour soon. I was still thinking about whether or not I should go. I had no clue what I wanted to be and I was nearly 17...well not really but still. Most 16 year olds know what they wanna do, they've done their GCSEs and they're doing their A Levels now. But not me I'm just...weird. I like the idea if going on tour with them, getting to see the world. They said 5 Seconds of Summer were going on tour with them. I looked up their music, they're really good. They said they were closer to my age so they seem like fun. The more I think about it, the more positive and fun it seems. I'll probably go on the tour. There's always the bad with that too. There's no routine or stability, lots of travelling and the inevitable hate. But I think I'd get that even if I was at home. Plus with much convincing Harry's agreed to me having twitter and Instagram. It sounds stupid but for ages he didn't want me having them cause he didn't want me to get hate but I told him to not be stupid and the boys agreed with me which led to Harry agreeing with me.

It was an hour drive to get to the new house. I slept for about 15 minutes until I was woken up by ridiculously loud music. "Oi! Turn it off!" I said quite loudly. "No!" they all shouted back. I sighed and tried to wake myself up since it's obvious I wasn't getting any sleep. I got out my phone and looked on twitter.

@MsDoubleS: proper excited for going on tour with some proper idiots x

@1DMania: @MsDoubleS do you know @5SOS?

@MsDoubleS: @1DMania @5SOS never met them but will soon hopefully! x

@1D5SOSlurve: @MsDoubleS will you be meeting people during/after the show or?

@MsDoubleS: @1D5SOSlurve if people wanted that I don't see why not? But if people were rude it'd probs be the end of that! x

"Si why are you talking about the tour on twitter?" Harry asked.

"I kinda made my decision about the tour and I wanna go." 

"Great it'll be so much fun. We're meeting the boys of 5sos in the next few days."

"How soon is this tour?"

"Very? We start with America in a few weeks."

"Oh wow. That'"

After more driving and food we got to the new house. It was really pretty. It was quite big and I was told I'd have the room to myself again but honestly I think I want Zayn in my room. He made me feel safe. Safer than I had felt in a while. I got my boxes out of the car and started moving things into my new room. I was hanging up my photos of me, Demi and the boys and a group photo of us all. That was my favourite photo ever. Its still quite weird that me and Demi are friends because I have worshiped her for years and now to be able to text her, it's amazing. I love it so much.

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