Chapter 11 - The Middle

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It was a long night. When I went down the next day the boys made sure I was okay. It was sweet at first but as the day went on it got a bit annoying. I appreciated their concern but sometimes it was a bit over the top. But I didn't make them stop, it was quite nice to be honest. Not having to move and having 5 boys attending to your every want and need. It's every girls dream! Well it wasn't mine, but it's other people's. I went in and out of sleep as I didn't really get much of it yesterday. But whenever I woke up, I woke up to 5 pairs of eyes staring at me. It was a bit creepy really. It's nice they care but at the same time a bit creepy. Especially since they were watching me sleep. I did eat a load of food though. The demons inside of me objected a bit but I ignored them as much as I could and hoped the food would suffocate them. I still hear the voices sometimes. They're quieter now. Which is a nice break but some nights they're really loud, like before. Those nights scare me a lot. It scares me so much that I usually start crying and cry myself to sleep. It's hard not to give into them. I haven't told anyone about them. If I did, they'd think I'm crazy. I'm really not crazy. Everyone thinks I am but I'm not. I swear I'm not. I suppose crazy people don't think they're crazy. But I know deep down that I'm really not. Some of the doctors don't believe me. They think since I'm bipolar there's a chance that there's other things too. Like schizophrenia, that's something they've talked about a lot. Apparently when I slept in the hospital I mumbled something about the voices and people thought I was schizophrenic. Harry denies it, as do I. But part of me thinks that they could be right. I hear voices that tell me to do things. That's not normal. That's like the opposite of normal. Most people would think that I'm crazy. Everyone in school thought that. That's part of what made it so bad. No one believed that I was a person, they thought I was a toy for them to mess with and call names. I'm not, I wasn't made for that. I was made to be helped. I was in a hole, I still am. Honestly I don't think I'll ever be out of the hole completely. No one ever is really. You think you're okay then you might relapse. It takes constant work and healing and even then you're not completely 'fixed'. Whatever this 'fixed' is I'd love to be it. But I'm not, I'm broken, well I was and part of me still is. It always will be and no amount of work can change that. It might be bad but I love that part of me. I've learned to try love it and embrace it. But it's hard and takes constant work and perfection. I want to make a twitter but Harry won't let me. He thinks if I do I'll relapse. I know I won't but it doesn't stop people thinking it. Especially Harry, he's extremely over protective. At least he cares now. But I don't think he ever stopped caring. My parents did though. A long time ago they did. They don't care at all. In fact I think they might be coming back today. The thought of that makes me want to kill someone. I was hanging out with the boys when there was noise from outside. I knew who it was. I jumped up and ran to my room. I can't see them. I just can't. Zayn and Louis ran after me. I was crying in my room when they came in. "What's wrong?"
"I can't. I can't see them. Not now... not ever. I hate them! Don't make me go downstairs. Please."
"You don't have to. They might try and get you but we can try stop them I guess?" I nodded slowly and took a deep breath. "I just can't see them. I can't. I'll kill them if I do. I'm finally in an okay place and if I see them...I just. No."

Mum and dad walked in looking quite shocked to see me and the boys. "Sweetheart what are you doing home? We would've come back if we knew you were home!" my mum smiled and tried to hug me.
"No. I told you. I told you Si went into rehab you didn't care. You don't care about her and that's horrible. I've got custody of Sierra and I'm bringing her on tour if she wants. If she doesn't I'm buying her an apartment and she can go to school or college, whatever she wants."
"You can't take our daughter away from us!"
"If you don't look after her and make her feel like shit then yes I can."
"You won't get away with taking a teenager across the world on tour."
"You're right which is why I got a cert saying I'm her legal guardian. So yes I can. In fact we're going somewhere else to stay before tour."
"And where would that be?"
"We don't know yet. But we've agreed that Si needs somewhere better to live."
"And who would 'we' be exactly?"
"Me, the boys and Demi."
"Oh that girl Dawn likes."
"Her name is Sierra."
"She changed it."
"She changed it back."
"Harry Styles how dare you talk to us like that. We're your parents!"
"Not anymore. Not after what you did to Si." I went up to find Si sitting on the floor crying. I sat beside her and put my arm around her. "I hate them Hazz!"
"I know."
"I want to kill them."
"Sssh it's okay. We're going to move and stay away from them. I am your legal guardian remember?"
"I love you Harry!" She hugged me tightly.
"Go start getting packed. You can bring whatever you like. Pack up boxes, suitcases, handbags, anything." She nodded, slowly standing up.

I was moving away from my 'parents'. Away from their horribleness. Away from their meaness and cruelty. I packed up nearly everything. It was like packing my whole life away into bags. I packed away all the photos even though I was so unhappy the photos make me happy... they also make me cry. Sort of happy tears, sort of sad tears. The boys came up a little while later with pizza and cokes. "What are you doing?"
"We figured you wouldn't wanna be downstairs with the monsters. So we brought pizza." I smiled and let them in. I moved the suitcases to the corner so we had space to sit down. "Are you packed? Cause we can leave tonight?"
"Could we leave tomorrow morning? I just wanna make sure I have everything and just spend one more night here."
"Yeah, sure. You'll get your own room in the new place, I promise."
"I don't mind sharing. It's been nice to share the bed with Zayn." I smiled at him. We finished the pizza and everyone but Zayn went to get packed. I was nearly finished and I had loads of bags. Zayn didn't take long to get packed since he never really unpacked. I left out pyjamas and a new set of clothes for tomorrow. I had to pack up my bathroom but that was easy enough. I just need to take my make up bag and some girly things and razor, everything else can stay. I sighed and flopped onto the bed, exhausted after all the packing. I needed to get up and wash my make up off and get into my pjs. I dragged myself up and brought my pjs info the bathroom. I got changed quickly and washed my make up off. I made sure I had all the bathroom things in the bag that I was bringing with me. I got into bed and fell asleep almost straight away. I was woken up by Zayn getting into to bed a bit later. I smiled and moved closer towards him. He draped his arms around me and pulled me even closer. I smiled and drifted back asleep quickly.

Okay I'm sorry it took so long I'm trying to make these updates slightly more regularly. I'm starting school again and I'm doing pretty important exams this year so there'll be quite a lot of study but I'll try my best. Love you thanks for sticking with me xxx

Also I'm thinking Adelaide Kane as Sierra but I'm not 100% sure so if you have any suggestions that'd be fab also please comment what you think of the story xxx

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