Chapter 1 - Heart Attack

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I slid the blade across my wrist. Blood occasionally splattering the tiles. I let out a sort if muffled sob. I finished and rested my head against the wall. I let the tears roll down my cheeks. I picked myself up and washed the blood off my wrists. I put the blade away and climbed into bed. 

I woke up the next morning. I dragged myself out of bed. I put some make up on my cuts. I lazily walked to school. When I got there everyone stared at me. "She cuts herself." "She's depressed." "Total physco." people whispered not that quietly. I ignored them. I went straight for the bathroom. I really wasn't in the mood for this today. When I got there, there was someone there smoking. "Want one?" she offered. I nodded, what was one cigarette do? I stayed in the bathroom until she had gone. I sat on the cold tiled floor. There was a piece of glass on the floor. I picked it up. I played with it for a minute or two. I went into a stall and let the blood seep out of my wrists.

I left the bathroom at lunch. Lunch went on for like 10 minutes. When people saw me they made sick jokes and the girls whispered about me. Everyone loved how depressed I was, it gave them sonething to whisper about. I was walking pasta deserted classroom when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. "Oi! Hands off!" I snapped. 

"We know about your little secret."

"What secret?"

"We know you cut."

"Fuck off. You're listening to way too many rumours buddy."

"Anyway, we know soemthing that could make all the pain go away."

"Really? What is it then?" The guy held up a pouch of heroine. I looked at it and him in disgust. "No thanks."

"First pouch is free."

"I don't want it!"

"It's free, what's the harm in having it? You could re sell it."

"I don't want it."

"It's free. Just take it."

"No." He slipped it into my bag. I walked out of the class room. Classes were about to start. I hid back in the bathroom. I looked at the little pouch. I decided if it could make pain go away what's the harm? I walked back out of the bathroom after the encounter with the drug. I was looking for the guy who gave me it. I found him in the classroom. 

"I see you liked it?"

"Whatever. Can I have more?"

"How many?"

"Two bags."

"Ok. The reccomended usage is half a pouch, but if it's really bad use the whole pouch."

"Ok. How much?"



"£10 per bag. It's not cheap!"

"Ugh! Fine!" I handed the money over. "I may become your best customer." I wandered the school for half an hour. I got fed up so I decided to go home. On the way home I bought a bottle of vodka and a packet of cigarettes. I was drinking and smoking when I passed a tattoo parlour. Hmm why not? I walked in bravely. "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Hmm I don't know."

"How about a symbol?"

"Yeah, how about a big blob. That's me."

"What about 'broken'?"

"Yeah, I like that." He did it where Tulisa had her 'Female Boss' tattoo but on the inside. I loved it. "Thank you!" I smiled before walking home. I got home, when I opened the door there was my brother and his stupid band. 

"Hey Si."

"I'm Dawn now. Leave me alone." I said before running upstairs. How could he just arrive like this?! I think I'm gonna hyperventalate! I'm freaking out! I composed myself and walked downstairs. I sat on the sofa and watched tv while the boys stared at me. "Can I help you with something?!"

"No." They looked away. I rolled my eyes. My phone beeped, I looked at it.

From: mum: Hi honey! me and your dad aren't gonna make it home tonight and we fly out tomorrow morning for a week. I'm sorry, I'll see you soon. Love Mum and Dad xxx

I threw my phone at the wall. "Typical!" I sighed. 

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, Mum and Dad aren't gonna make it home tonight, then they're flying out for a week. Typical."

"Oh," He said before walking away. I went up to my room, infuriated. I started cutting myself. I let all the anxiety and stress fade away by taking it out on myself through the blade. I almost smiled. I stayed upstairs for the rest of the day. 

"Sierra? Ehm.. we're ordering pizza do you want some?" Zayn asked awkwardly.

"No. I'm not hungry."

"Have you eaten anything since you came home?"

"Yeah. Loads. I'm just not hungry."

"Ok." I thought for a second. He'll tel Harry, then Harry'll get suspicious. "On second thoughts I'll have a little bit. Only a slice or omething." I called after him. 

They calle dme fown for the pizza. I tooke the smallest slice. Harry just looked at me weird. I ignored him and took tiny bites of it. I knew where it was all going later. I had just about finished one proper bite through lots of tiny ones when I felt really sick. It was probably not eating for so long then eating this. I ran to the bathroom, I threw up my stomach's contents, which wasn't a lot. I walked back out like it hadn't happened but I threw my pizza in the bin. 

"You ok?" They asked. 

"Yeah, fine. Just not feeling too awesome. I thibk I'm gonna go to bed. Night." I walked upstairs, did my usual night time cutting sesh then went to sleep.

In the middle of the night my door opened. "What?!" I snapped.

"Ehm, it's me, Zayn. I have to share a room with you? Is that cool?"

"Yeah. Whatever." I said sleepily as he climbed into bed beside me. 

Hope you like the first chapter! I'm actually getting comments on this story! I'm really happy about that! Check out my other stuff! Love you all, Stay Strong R xxx

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