Ah Of Course II

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"So this isn't a revenge story. Tell me, why are you doing this for him?"


"It can't just be that. You're drugging me during the day. Does he visit me?" Diana stayed silent. "Diana"
She stood up and covered her crying face, pacing around the room. You grew scared of what happened while you were sleeping, "D-"

"Shut up! Shut up!" She shoved a sock in your mouth, "he doesn't do anything alright! I make sure of that. He just stared at you like some sort of puppy,"

"Mm mmm mm m-" you muffled so she retrieved the sock, "if you guys broke up, why are you doing this?!"

"I don't very much appreciate your tone,"

"I don't appreciate being tied to a bed against my will, so I can sympathise," you waited for the fidgeting woman to answer.

"If I just let him get his closure, he said he'd be ready again,"

"We've already had our closure talk. What else does he want? He cheated me on me!"

"You guys talked?" Her demeanor changed. Diana was no longer tapping her foot and biting her nails, she now made eye contact, "when was this?"

"Months ago," you answered quickly. Maybe if she realised that Dylan had been lying, she'll let you go free. "Haven't had any contact with him since," you searched her blue eyes for any answers but she was blank. They seemed dull and lifeless, no longer frightened but she was firing up. She had a dangerous frown that just screamed 'murder'.

"So he's chosen you. After all this time..he chose you? What the hell is so good about you anyway?! You've got those two body builders at your beck and call, aren't they enough?"


"Shut up! I thought we were going to be happy together I thought this would please him and he'd forget about you. But he loves you, why doesn't he love me?" She started tearing up. Your heart broke for your captor but you weren't stupid, she was monologing and when she finished she would do something very regrettable. "Even at the start he'd constantly talk about you. I mean, I get it-what we were doing was wrong but it didn't stop. He never fucking stopped...I asked him if he wanted you back, I told him to choose. He chose me but something went wrong didn't it? I shouldn't even remember your name but hear I am, getting a little too familiar. I didn't mean for this to happen, okay? I'm a good person, I donate to charity, I'm polite and I have a good moral compass," you refrained from rolling your eyes but you spotted the knife from dinner the night before hanging off the bedside table. It was just a bit too far away for you to reach without being noticed but if she left or even continued walking around talking to herself, you could maybe get it.


"Have you tried calling her?" Dylan asked the boys. Bucky was already getting annoyed that the man in the back who wouldn't stop talking. They were on their way to Vis and Wanda's because they haven't been in touch for a while.

"No, I thought I'd send a pigeon and wait for a response," Bucky tapped the top of Dylan's head to send him back to the passenger area.

"How exactly do you plan to help?" Steve asked, stoic.

Dylan tilted his head back, "I know where she likes to go-"

"We do too," Bucky interrupted, "you think we haven't already checked everywhere? She's been taken, someone has been posing as her online and we have no idea who!" Bucky's speech was grew quicker and angrier. He was beyond worried that you were hurt..or worse.

"D. Listen to me. This has gone too far. We need a plan," you spoke condescendingly but she was taken by you. Maybe it was the desperate eye contact.

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