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Lucky for Bucky you were still on limits for home time affection. He took advantage of sitting close to you on the couch and running his fingers along your legs whenever they were draped over him. Although you weren't ready to kiss either of them in front of each other, you did peck them on the cheek here and there. The terms of your relationship were that Steve and Bucky would share you in a way. They wanted you but not really each other, so you often spent time with one or the other if you went out on a date. They enjoyed this arrangement but you still felt guilty or faithful. You were open with each other it just took a while to feel like a real relationship. Friday rolled around and you were exhausted from traffic.

"I hate New York. I hate New York. I hate Yew Nork-ugh" you slammed your purse on the table, the boys weren't home so you couldn't vent to anyone. Kicking off your shoes at the door and stripping all the way to the bathroom, not caring about the trail of a mess you left, you decided to run a bath for yourself. Self-care is important, wine is important for self-care as well as candles and music that makes you cry. 

The boys came home around 7, you had already been in the tub for 20 minutes. Music was turned up and a bottle of white had been finished. They found you singing loudly and proudly naked in the tub. Steve averted his gaze but Bucky couldn't help but stare, the bubbles had died down so he had a pretty generous view of everything. Such a generous view that he had to allocate some time alone with himself later that night.

"Rough day?" Steve asked. You spotted your boyfriends at the door and grinned. They looked really really good, it could have been the wine but you could feel yourself getting flustered. You poured yourself the last few drops of the bottle.

"Hey boys!  A bird shat on me today and I broke a heel so I had to walk the urine stained streets of Brooklyn barefoot,"

"That suck-" Bucky began but you weren't finished. The boys felt less awkward with you being naked because you felt comfortable around them so they ventured closer and sat on either side of the tub.

"And! Even though the sexy weather girl said it wouldn't rain today, what do the skies decide to do? Pour down for a solid 10 minutes while this bitch," you pointed to yourself, "is wearing a white shirt without any protection-some homeless man offered his coat to me"

"Well that's nice at least," Steve's fingers dipped into the water.

"Smelled like pee as well," you frowned, "this city can suck my left nut, 4 people stepped on my wet feet and told me to apologise to them."

"Gross," Bucky was a little distracted by your form but still sympathised for you. "Well this water is getting cold, did you want-"

"To eat some Chinese in here? Absolutely," you joked, "but I'll get out," you hopped up and grabbed your towel. Bucky kept licking his lips, he couldn't help but salivate at the curve of your hips let alone your nude chest. And Steve wasn't blind, he avoided staring at you, unlike Bucky and got up.

"I'll make you some dinner while you get dressed," Steve reached out and put a stray hair back into place, then planting a kiss on your forehead. Your closed smile on your face made Bucky all warm inside. He had to kiss you too and you showed the same reaction.

"Oh know baby, don't worry I already ordered take-out," Steve's face lit up at you calling him 'baby', it was a small gesture but had a huge meaning behind it.

"Okay," he grinned.


You had taken a bit long getting dressed so Bucky went to check on you while Steve prepared plates for dinner. He knocked on the bedroom door but received no answer. 

"Hey, foods here," Bucky opened the door slowly, giving you enough time to cover up in case you didn't want him to see you. He expected you to be up and read but you fell asleep pretty much as soon as you entered the room. The towel was still wrapped around you while you were snoring quietly. Bucky laughed at how cute this moment was but decided to wake you up. He walked over and as soon as the bed dipped you whimpered. It was the cutest, purest sound James had ever heard. You honestly made his heart swell with desire, "Hey. Hey sleepyhead, time to wake up," he whispered as he lovingly stroked your face, he was lying beside you. You opened your eyes slowly, feeling the effects of the alcohol still.

"Mm, can you please stop spinning?" your voice croaked. Bucky had to bite his lip in order to stop from squealing with delight. You pulled him in for a cuddle and stayed like that for a moment, Bucky adjusted where his crotch was so as not to disturb you but your pelvis kept rocking on his firm thigh. He had to shake you off but he couldn't resist even just a little kiss.

"Your food is here, it's time to get up,"

"I'm tired," you groaned.

"I know but you can sleep after. We'll all watch a movie on the couch, covered in blankets," Bucky promised and you hummed at the thought of how cosy that situation would be.

"Okay," You slowly stood up and let the towel fall, "did I not get changed?" you laughed at yourself.

"I don't mind but you probably wouldn't like spilling sauce on yourself," Bucky picked out a nighty for you and slipped it on, his hands trailing down your sides as he smoothed it out.

"Thank you," you smiled and gently brought him in for a kiss.

"No problem darlin'" He enjoyed and savoured the tenderness of this moment before picking you up and carrying you to the dining space.

"I'm awake!" you yelled and giggled at being so close to his butt.

"You also don't have any undies on," Steve commented, a little flustered at the intimate sight.

"I fell asleep," you admitted when Bucky put you down.

"I figured," Steve shrugged. This was probably the first moment where you felt connected to both of them at the same time. This seemed normal. Everything was normal and right for once. No awkward tension. No hidden kisses. It was euphoric.

The RoommateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora