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"Hi I'm um," you licked your lips and gulped, "sorry. I'm sorry. You're gorgeous!"

"For the fifty first time. Ya good. Go do it to handsome over there," Nat was helping you get some tonight. Well you mainly just dragged her to a bar.

"Hi I'm-"

"Sorry. Nice to meet you, I'm Gorgeous," the tall man interrupted. You were lost for words and just felt humiliated.

"You heard me..uh practising," you couldn't make eye contact with that handsome mischievous face.

"Only for the last 13 minutes so don't be too mortified,"

"Oh good. I'm just gonna go," you walked backwards to Nat but he shooed the sentence.

"Don't be ridiculous. Let me buy you a drink. Calm the nerves down a little bit," he waived the bartender, "I'm Sam by the way," he properly introduced himself, as did you, "fine name for a fine girl."

"Let's stop embarrassing me. Just for the next decade, okay?" You joked, you felt the heat rush to your cheeks with every glance he made to your lips or body. Sam bought your drinks all night, you both tried flirting and failed miserably because you kept calling out the cheesiness. Sam made you feel comfortable and happy, the alcohol certainly helped as well. You split a cab home and asked him if he wanted to come up, just on a whim.

"Sure. My friend lives in this building so I can sneak out and have a place to sleep in the morning," he joked. But Sam's smile faded when you opened the door to your apartment. "Oh. Okay. Okay. Okay," Sam stuck his tongue in his cheek. You must be the famous roommate that both the guys go on about. He didn't realise he knew more about you before even a date. "Um, you know what?" He whispered. You pulled him in for a hot passionate kiss. He was dazed at how..good it felt. The alcohol was clearly affecting his brain because it took him a while to push you off. You were too eager to continue.

"My bedroom is this way," you tugged at his arm. But he protested.

"I am so so sorry..but you remember that friend I was talking about living here?" Sam's pity was clear through his eyes.

"Oh no," you stepped back, "you're Sam Wilson?" You fell on the couch.

"Yeah," he sat beside you, "it's alright, girl."

"I'm never going to hook up with anyone again. It is impossible for me to just go out there and find a..a person," you realised you were talking to an acquaintance and not a confidant, "you should probably go now,"

"Well if you're not tired we could watch a movie," Sam suggested.

"Bucky took the DVD player into his room and we haven't seen it for weeks,"

"Okay grandma. They have a chromecast, you can hook it up through your phone. Pick something and I'll get some snacks. Steve told me you have a stash somewhere," Sam jumped up.

"I don't!" You called out, "not in here anyway," you muttered. A message from earlier was still on display, it was from Steve and it seemed to be a long paragraph of his feelings towards someone. You didn't want to seem like a nosy person so you skimmed the first sentence and closed it.

I think I love her

That stung a bit. But why? Steve isn't yours. He can't be.

"Still choosing?" Sam tsked.

"Not really feeling a movie," you changed the settings on the TV and Food Network came on. After several silent moments you spoke again in a monotonous voice, "do you want a cheeseburger?"

"With fries?" Sam responded in the same tone. You were both drooling at the footage of cheeseburgers being made.

"Okay, so we don't have any meat burgers but we have a block of cheese," you dug through the fridge.

"Y'all don't have shredded?"

"We're a disgrace to the human race, I understand but it's either this or nothing,"

The morning after, Bucky found you and Sam passed out on the couch with a bite out of a block of cheese. The TV was still on but he couldn't hear it over Sam's snoring. Bucky laughed when you groaned and hit Sam's face. He was confused though, how did he even get here? and why was he with you? Panic rose in Bucky's chest. Panic and anger. He trusted Sam with his feelings and he comes home with you? What a bastard, Bucky thought. He didn't need more competition. Not that you were a prize of course. He just felt very protective of you, especially since he's known you for almost 5 years.

"Bucky? Time?" You squinted due to the sun shining bright through the window.

"7," you groaned in response. He smiled as you reached out for him. He helped you up and to your room. He noticed that you were still wearing basically everything you left in last night. Maybe nothing happened between you and Sam.

"You had a big one last night. I see you met Sam," Bucky whispered as he helped you walk.

"Not really. I'm just tired and like when you carry me," you admitted. Bucky grinned so hard he practically squeaked.

"I'll talk to you later," Bucky knew he was over stepping when he did but it was just a knee jerk reaction. He kissed your forehead and lingered for a sec. When he released he smiled with relief at the cheeky grin plastered on your face.

"Good morning!" Steve chirped.

"Good morning!" Bucky did the same.

"It's great to stay up late," Sam mumbled the song still half asleep. You were still waking up so you were a bit groggy but smiled at Steve handing you a cup of coffee.

"I love you," you moaned before taking a sip.

"Me or the coffee?" Steve asked, clearly joking but still hoping it was him. You took a sip before answering.

"I can love two things," you shrugged and sat beside Bucky eating, "time?"

"9," he answered with a mouthful of toast.

"AM?" You groaned.

"It's light outside. Yes AM," Bucky chuckled.

"It feels like I overslept," you stretched out, whimpering at the pain a bit. Steve and Bucky smiled lovingly at the sound and sight. Sam just rolled his eyes.

"Anyway. I better get going. I'll let y'all hash it out," Sam stretched and got up. He gave you a hug, "nice meeting you, I had a bunch of fun last night. You take care of her," Sam ordered the boys and left.

"See ya Sam," Steve said goodbye.

"Hash what out?" You asked. Steve and Bucky shrugged.

"We just thought you and Sam got together last night. We thought it would be awkward considering we're all friends," Steve chose his words carefully. You nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I guess so," you scratched.

"Sam explained everything. It was all platonic, we get it," Bucky cleared.

"Not all platonic," you snorted, recalling the kiss, "I guess he is more friend material for me though,"

"What? What happened?" Steve came closer. He was alerted and a little angry Sam would lie to him.

"Did he kiss you?" Bucky's words dripped venom. He looked hurt.

"I sort of kissed him thinking we were never going to see each other again. That didn't work out. Don't worry he didn't hurt me," you assumed the protective side of the boys was showing. "He calmly pushed me off and said you guys were friends. And I didn't want to hook up with one of your friends," you admitted. This new information shocked and appalled the men. But they understood why Sam didn't say anything, he wouldn't have walked out of the building.

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