The Morning After

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Waking up to the smell of burned breakfast food and two grown men cursing isn't an ideal situation after falling asleep together but you appreciated the moment. Everything was just normal.

"Just get out the way! She doesn't like charcoal!" Bucky pushed Steve.

"It's bacon! It's supposed to be a little crispy!"

"Shush! You'll wake her! If this is going to work she'll need to be completely buttered up,"

What? You got up and saw your reflection in the TV, not a pretty sight but you didn't care. You walked into the kitchen like a zombie-practically dead but not quite there yet.
"Morning," you interrupted their murmurs.

"Hey! Sleepyhead," Steve turned around quickly and knocked the pan on the floor, "Shit."

"It's alright I got it. You go chat-" Bucky bent down to clean up the bacon, followed by Steve.

"No I got it. You go chat-"

"I really insist-"

"No I really think you should-" Steve's grimace was enough for you to step in.

"Okay what's going on?" You intervened. The men were still on the floor, communicating silently with their eyes. "Guys, you obviously need to talk to me...what is it?"

They rose silently, both avoiding eye contact with you and now each other. Bucky nudged Steve forward then Steve did the same with Bucky. "Fine," Bucky cleared his throat, "would you like some breakfast? We made-goddammit," the fire alarm started beeping so you three spent the next few minutes trying to clear out the smoke.

"Okay. Start over," Steve combed down his hair with his hand, a nervous twitch you noticed. You were seated at the dining table, "um, so we thought about yesterday," he paused, biting his lip and shaking his head, "I can't believe we're about to ask this. It's so ridiculous," he spoke softly.

"It's not. It seems to be the only option buddy," Bucky replied then turned to you, "Honey we know you asking you to choose between is too much so we talked about. It's a conversation we've had before actually, we thought since we both love you and we love each other very dearly too...maybe we could all be together," your reaction was that of a deer in the headlights.

"What do you say?" Steve asked cautiously, ready for rejection.

"I..I..uh. I don't know. That's a take in," you internally laughed at your euphemism.

"Rogers and I are very comfortable with each other, you've seen us. And we're ourselves around you too," you kept nodding to what Bucky was saying, "we can go as slow as you want. Hang out as much or as little. Nothing really has to change...besides ya know everything that changes," Bucky wanted to slap himself for not being more convincing.

"So you guys won't get jealous?"

"We've discovered that we only get jealous of other men," Steve admitted slowly.

"I'm sorry I just feel selfish or something if I say yes," Bucky, being the optimist saw this as you really considering it.

"You're not. Okay? You're one of the most selfless people I know. So what do you say? Will you have us?" both Bucky and Steve took one of your hands and squeezed.

"Yes," you nodded, their expressions changing from worry to relief in an instant, "let's take it slow for a while, yeah?"

"Absolutely," Steve agreed immediately, relieved at the suggestion.

"Whatever you need," Bucky grinned. His love shining through his eyes, all he wanted to do now was lift you up and twirl you around.

"Then let's go boys."

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