First Night

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The first night was great. The boys helped set up your bed and wardrobe. They even offered to make dinner but you said you'd pay for take out. "Thanks for you know," you tensed your biceps, "intimidating him today at the flat,"

"That was intimidating?" Bucky smirked.

"You walking in with me with all your muscles made his lip twitch. Thanks for that," you cheered and clanked your beer bottles together.

"Anytime you need a fake boyfriend just let me know," he winked.

After dinner you received a call from Sir Piss. You refused to answer, instead opting to shower so your giddy mood wasn't ruined. The only products in the shower were two 3 in 1 bottles that covered shampoo, conditioner and body wash. You'd have to buy some proper stuff tomorrow. You were woken from your shower thoughts by a knock. Perhaps you've taken too long?

"Just a sec!" you called out and turned the water off. Wrapping a towel around you quickly, "did I take too long?" You met face to chest with Steve.

"No it's fine! Bucky takes hour long showers-"

"I do not!" Bucky called from his room. Steve smiled.

"I was letting you know that your phones been ringing for about 10 minutes," he looked apologetic.

"Oh," you frowned, feeling guilty for leaving the ringtone on,"sorry I'll put it on silent," you walked passed him and got to your room.

"No I wanted to apologise! I saw that he called you a few times so I picked up," Steve pushed back some of his hair, a nervous twitch he'd never admit to.

"Oh," your tone didn't confirm any emotion you were feeling. Which sent Steve's anxiety through the roof.

"Oh god. You're angry. Okay. I promise I didn't say anything too bad," you didn't know how to react considering you were still in your towel and getting cold, "I just told him calmly to stop calling because you are in the shower and then he asked who I was so I told him...then he called you a name," Steve paused.

"What name?" Your brows furrowed, knowing it was definitely insulting.

"That doesn't matter. I just got a little angry and may have threatened him a little bit,"


"Just a teensy bit," he grimaced and held his finger and thumb a centimeter apart. "Anyway, that's not actually the bad part,"

"Where is my phone?" You thought aloud.

"That's the bad part," Steve sighed and walked to the window, "I kind of lost control and...threw it," Steve's heart was beating a mile a minute. He was prepared for some sort of slap or rage fit or crying.

"You threw my phone out the window because my ex called me a bad name?" You were shocked and confused which would probably explain why you were laughing.

"I'm sorry. I'll buy you a new one as soon as I can! You can borrow mine for now!" He pulled out his cell. You shook your head.

"There's no need. I was going to get a new one but I guess now I have to change my number. I have a laptop, don't worry,"

"You're not angry? You can hit me, I'll be okay," you chuckled at how nervous he was because you understood.

"I probably would have done the same if I answered. You can buy me a new phone though," you rubbed his impeccable larger shoulder. Steve smiled, he couldn't believe how cool headed you were being right now.

"I'll go out right now and get you whatever you want. Chocolate, ice cream, pie. You name it, I'm so so sorry,"

"Can you do one really important thing?"

"Of course"

"Can you get out so I can change?" You were still dripping wet. Steve hardly noticed he was so concerned with not getting in trouble. He was also really embarrassed because he could see your hardened nipples pressed through the towel and goosebumps rising on your arms.

"Oh of course I'm sorry! I-" he cut himself off and stormed out of the room and right into his. He felt really guilty at the moment but smiled at how warm hearted the whole situation turned out to be.

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