'Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!'

A grunt left my mouth, annoyed by the sudden beeping noise.

I weren't that aware yet of where I were, expecting to be around that big scary man.

Just as i let my eyes take a little peek relief washed all over me.
I were in my room, in my own warm bed..

For the first time I felt so happy to wake up.
If I had to be honest, I prefer sleeping over anything else. But I guess that nightmare changed my mind.

I were so happy that there was no edvince of the hockey masked killer to be around here.

It just... it just looked so real.

Quickly I swung my feet over my bed's edge, sitting up onto the mattress.

I quickly lifted up my shirt in order to check if it truly were just a nightmare.
And it was.. My skin was clean and untouched.
Silently I dared to let out a chuckle at my silly action, "Damn it, you're getting freakier each month." I mumbled out to myself with a smile.

With that I stood up, walking over to my caramel colored wooden closet.
With a happy sigh I opened both doors with a swing only to reveal a stocking of clothing.

Gently I took a purple turtleneck sweater out along with some grey trousers.

Moving back to my bed and throwing the fresh clothes on it only to fetch some undergear.

In silence I would dress up.
Just when I were all dressed and neat I would take a brush and happily brushed my golden locks.

Once I were finished I went to open the curtains which kept sunlight out, gently I began pulling onto the strings only to result for the curtain to be lifted up.
Once it were entirely lifted I'd let out another happy sigh.

It was a beautiful day out there.
It was sunny and suprisingly not all too hot.
A few clouds would keep some of the warmth away.

After I were done staring out of my window I went ahead and left my room, using the stair to get downstairs.
But once I were downstairs I were met with a terrible sight.

My mother lied there onto the couch, serval bottles laying around, prepards alcohol.
She probably drank herself to sleep, knowing in which depressive state she's in.
It hurts to see her like this, the poor woman had been mourning her husband.

In any case.. Her husband however was not my actual father.
If I were to be honest, I never really had prove that I have a bloodbounded father figure.

Mother told me that I have a father but he doesn't deserve to be called one since he's a terrible man.

But who am I to judge or believe? I never really had prove that he eventually existed.

With a soft sigh I went to fetch a blanket from the supply closet only to cover my mother's unconscious figure with it.

With a soft smile I leaned in and kissed her forehead, stroking her grey locks. "It'll be okay mom, one day you'll find happiness again." I whispered.

With that I left her to rest and went to make some cereal.
I never were an eater in the mornings, I couldn't even bare it!
But knowing that breakfast is one of the most important starters of the day..

It's atleast better than nothing.

As I finished breakfast I'd leave for college.

Happily I hummed as I slowly arrived at the building.
The day was going great until I saw what was going on..

A poor guy were getting bullied for being autistic.
Yep, these are the old times..

How amazing.

"Hey what the hell is wrong with you people?!" I yelled towards the group who had 8 people into it.

My heart skipped a beat when they all moved their gazes towards my direction. Their expressions filled with disgust and some were smirking.

There were 2 girls and 6 boys.
Yet one of the girls began approaching me.
She had long curly brown hair and beautiful ice-blue eyes.

Such a shame that her ugly personality doesn't add up with her natural beauty.
"Or what?! What do you want, slut?!" She snapped at me.

I narrowed my eyes at her in disgust of her attitude.
"What I want is for you to stop acting like a child. This isn't middle school anymore."

The girl rolled her eyes, chuckling.
"Whatever bitch, you freaks aren't worth my time any way."

With that she pushed the poor guy towards me, almost causing him to stumble and fall.
"So bye-bitch. But don't you think we're done with you or your little boyfriend here. So keep your eyes open if you're smart enough. Cause I surely will bust your skull."

A grin appeared upon her face.
"Come on guys, let's leave. We should leave these freaks behind."
She waved towards the others before she turned around, giving me one last disgusting glare.

With that she and her tiny group moved away.

That was easier than I thought..
I thought they'd pick a bigger fight or something.

Finally I moved my attention back to the guy.
His hair was a beautiful shade of auburn and his eyes were an chocolate brown.
If it wasn't for him to be autistic I'm sure those sluts would be trying to get some dick from him. They fuck every single guy they see anyway.
It wouldn't be a suprise.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah.. Thank you.. and I'm sorry you had to see this. It isn't really a great way of meeting new people." He'd nod, embrassement was in his tone as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Hey don't worry about it..." I went silence for a bit. Trying to remember his name since those brats had mentioned it before.
He seemingly noticed. "It's Jack. Jack Mendans." He quickly filled me in.

A soft smile came to my lips as I nodded. "I'm Amanda, Amanda Stifford."

"Well.. It was really nice to meet you Amanda. I really hope I'll see you again some time. I have to go.. don't want to be late."

I'd nod. "That's fine, I'll see you around."
With that we waved our goodbyes to each other before entering the building myself...

The Man Behind The Mask (A Friday The 13th fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن