Chapter 1

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It appeared that Ram could no longer be seated on the stone bench of the bus stop. He looked nervous. He removed his specs for the twentieth time for polishing it with his handkerchief. I could see mild sweating on his forehead.

It was a cold December night. Neyveli always records a degree or two less, compared to its nearby towns. There was no one else at the Arch Gate bus stop. A few Chennai-bound buses were whizzing past without stopping here. But we were waiting for a bus from Chennai. Ram stood up, wearing his specs back.

I knew Ram for about seven years. His residence was hardly one furlong away from mine. Our friendship became inevitable because of the friendship of our daughters. They studied in the same college. We used to go together to pick up our daughters from the college hostel at the end of each semester.

Finally the bus arrived at the stop. Anitha alighted with a small suitcase. Ram took it rushing to her. She didn't even look at me.

No one talked until the cab arrived at the residence of Ram. I took leave from Ram and proceeded to my residence by walk.

I was walking alone. The road was flooded with yellow light from street lamps. The atmosphere was also given a whitish hue by the Moon at the zenith. The sky was clear and the Moon was almost full. Such a spectacular scenario will usually tempt me to go for an open-eye meditation. I'd ignore my thoughts and stare at nothing, distributing my attention all around while walking. But now I couldn't even enjoy it, leave alone meditating on it.

Anitha used to spend more time in our home than in her own home whenever she was in Neyveli. Ours is her second home. She is our second daughter. She was here last year December. But now she looked five years older.

It was nearly midnight when I reached my home. I pressed the calling bell switch and waited for my wife to open the door. My wife never treats Anitha as her daughter. She used to play with her, talk about her friends, discuss TV shows with her, go with her for shopping - Anitha is her friend.

"How is Anitha?" She asked me even before opening the door fully.

"Mmm..." I gently shook my head implying okay.

"Did she tell you anything?"


"What about Ram? Did he ask her what happened?"


"So, you people came in a car for five kilometres speaking nothing?"

I tried to avoid looking at her eyes. I sank into the cushioned chair in the living room. Following me, Geetha also sat in the nearby sofa.

I looked at her.

"What do you feel about Karthik?"

"Karthik is a good boy," Geetha replied without hesitation, but she added, "as far as I know."

"Last year Anitha was here. You two were talking for a full day..."

"Yes. Karthik and Anitha had gone to Delhi in November last year. They visited many places there. She was talking about it," Geetha intervened. "You never took me anywhere beyond Chennai in these twenty-five years," She was quick to add. "You only showed me Delhi on the map," She didn't seem to stop.

"Hmmm...anything she told you about Karthik?" I tried to bring her to the point.

"When they went to Taj Mahal..."

"I mean, did she tell you anything bad about Karthik?"

"No, no. She always praised him."

I went silent.

After a while, Geetha started. "Come this February, they'd have completed only 2 years..."

I continued my silence.

I knew Karthik. He is a good boy. He may not be a perfect match for Anitha but definitely a good match. Education, career or character - I didn't see any problem. I also examined his horoscope thoroughly and only after my nod Ram finalized the proposal. Anitha was also quite satisfied with this proposal. But something wrong somewhere...

"I'll go to Swetha's house tomorrow morning and talk to Anitha." Geetha went to bed.

Something wrong somewhere...

"Aren't you coming to bed?"

I stood up. "Coming, Coming."

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