We Don't Belong

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"Tron? You've been in here far too long to have just been grabbing something. You okay?" I hear from near the door of the bunks "Um... Yeah, I'm just tired." I roll away from the opening of the bunk "You don't sound like it." Jake opens the curtain to my bunk "What happened?" he asks, worry evident in his tone.

I sigh "Nothing. I'm fine, really." I mumble, keeping my eyes closed so he wouldn't see how puffy they are "So you decided that, conveniently after you were told about your home town, to lie in your bunk and cry for a half hour?" Had it really been a half hour? Was I asleep that long? No wonder they're worrying.

"Why not?" Jake sighs "When you want to talk about it, I'm here." he says before walking back towards the back lounge.


After about an hour more of trying to shake the thick feeling of dread, I decide I feel good enough to go to the back lounge to hang out with whoever may be there.

I walk in to the bathroom and groan. My hair resembles a rat's nest, my eyeliner running in streaks down my cheeks and my eyes are red and puffy.

I sigh and begin to brush through my hair, untangling the knots and re-styling it before washing my face and applying my makeup again.


"Hey Tron,  whats up?" CC asks, pausing the game of FIFA he was playing, and giving me a worried look. "Nothing much, you?" 

"Just playing video games like the stereotypical guy." he grins, I nod "Nice." I sit down next to him "You wanna' join?" he asks, holding up a second remote "Nah, I'm no good." I mumble to cover up the fact the I don't like the game "Alright," He resumes the game "What happened earlier? You just sort of walk off and didn't come back." CC asks, I sigh "Nothing, just... Personal problems." I assure him.

He must see that I'm not comfortable talking about it, because he doesn't push any further.


"Hey guys, the driver told me to come and tell you two that we'll be back home by tomorrow instead of the day after." Jinxx peek his head in, I look up at him and pull a smile "Any news about my hime town?" he knits his eyebrows together "I think, something about traffic should be aloud back in within the month, if not later." I sigh "Alright" CC looks at me "On the brightsight side you'll be able to fly back home soon enough." I nod and pull a false smile "Alright"


I walk up to the old tree that Hulk and I hollowed out those years ago. "Here it is." I smile, I can see that there's still water inside the hole from the flooding, but it doesn't bother me, I reach my hane in the freezing water and pull out a scrap book, one last copy of all the things Hulk and I had done together, I open it and smile, it starts when we were in third grade, so it's just some silly stuff: 

Science project (B-!!)

hop scotch

sleep over! (SO MUCH FUN!)


I can't help but admire how much we treasured the small things in life, we even cherished the fact that we yawned at the same time. I laugh and flip ahead a few pages.

Went to the movies

Jam session

I flip ahead to the last page, I remember I wrote this a hew weeks after she passed. I choke on my breath remembering how I felt at that time.


I didin't do it, I didn't even try. I couldn't. I look at the page for a long time, anger flashed over me, I rip out the page and throw it away.

"Bye, Hulk, I'll miss you." I grab the duffle bag filled with my few belongings. "Wish me luck in LA." I walk away, I try not to look back, but I do, I run back to the tree and grab my pocket knife and carve in to the tree.

Hulk & Tron's tree. 

Treat with care.


"You ready to go?" Andy asks from the driver's seat, I nod "Let's go."

I guess I'm moving to L.A

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O __________________ O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hmm, a suckish ending to a suckish book.

I'm sorry that the end sucks, I just really wanted to finish the book, and I know there was supposed to be a dance and all, but... Ah, use your imagination? (NOT THAT WAS PERV.)

Anyways, I know I left a lot of things unanswered and the entire this is crap, I'm so freaking sorry, but I've already started another book and it was this or I neglect this forever.

Again, my apologies to all that suffered from this ending.

Hermescamper, OUT!

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