God Bless You

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I feel a tap on my shoulder, I try to ignore it as I continue to walk in the grassy field ""Hey! come on!" I take one of my ear buds out "I don't want to hear it, I got enough in high school." I mumble

"What do you mean?" Andy asks, a worried expression written on his face, I sigh

"I know you're just going to call me a freak because I'm the 'thech geek' or something like that." I snap, my hand flies to my mouth

"I swear, I didn't mean to tell you that." Before I can run, Andy places a hand on my shoulder

"You were bullied?" he asks

"Um, no." I reply a little too quickly, Andy gives me a look saying I know you're lying, now spill the beans

"Yes..." I sigh. I didn't want to go in to detail about it since it could be used against me. Andy gives me a look of pity and sits down, patting the grass beside himself.

"What happened?" I sigh but sit down beside him anyways, thinking about how I'd change the topic instead.

"Nothing really. Hey, aren't you working on a new album?" I mentally face palm myself, how much more obvious can I get trying to change topics?

"You really don't want to talk about this do you? And yes, we are working on a new album." Andy sighs beside me.

"That's cool what kind of songs do you have written?" I ignore his question to keep with this topic. Andy lies down with his hands behind his head.

"Well, I suppose you'll have to find out after it's released." He smiles "I suppose so." I sit down beside him and look in to the empty field while I think of something to say.

Andy looks at his watch beside me, checking the time "Hey, it's almost lunch, wanna' go somewhere?" He looks over at me, I think for a second and nod.

"Should I get the guys?" I ask, looking over to the bus where CC is playing what seems like tag with an aggressively unexcited Ash who sits on a lawn chair, drinking a beer while CC yells "You can't catch me! Can'r touch this~ Dun nu, nu, nah, nana, nana. Can't touch this!" 

"They look... Busy right now, especialy CC..." Andy comments, I nod "Where to, then?" I say, getting up from my spot on the ground, dusting myself off.

"How does Burger king sound?" I stick both my thumbs up "Awesome, I'll pay." I reply, smiling.

"Nope, I'll pay." Andy argues as he too, gets up brushing himself off. "Nope, I will."

"Not possible."

"The word "Impossible" Itself says "I'm possible." I'll pay." I counter

"How about... No."

"How about... yes." By now we've made it back to the bus, and are walking in "I'll drive if you pay." Andy suggests.

"Yeah, but you're also the one paying for the rental car... Fine, I'll pay for the meal, AND gas, if you drive." I reply 

"Nope, I'll pay for anything regarding the rental, you'll pay for the food." Andy states firmly as Jinxx walks in "Bickering like a couple I see." Jinxx laughs, raising an eyebrow. I blush, trying to think of an excuse.

"Tron won't let me pay for anything!" Andy whines "He keeps saying he'll pay for gas and food, while he's also paying for the rental!" I complain like a three year old who didn't get the toy they wanted.

"Andy, you'll pay gas. Tron, you pay food." Jinxx states, pointing to us while he tells us what to do.

"HA! That's what I said!" Andy boasts, I sigh "Fine, let's go, I'll drive." I grab the keys from Andy's hand and start walking to the door.

"Not fair! My rental!"

"Yeah, but this is the country in which I was born!" I tease "You're a Canadian?" I nod.

"You thought otherwise eh?" I emphasize the "eh"  

"Well, we were in America when we found you." Andy says, thinking out-loud "That's because Alessa adopted me, and she lived in the U.S, so I moved in with her, beginning the worst years of my life." I sigh, what? It's true!

We both get in the car, me in the driver's seat, poking the G.P.S, looking for the nearest Burger king, Andy beside me, playing with the radio "Oh, okay then."

I started to drive, and Andy stopped looking for a decent radio station, when American Idiot by green  day comes on, I smile. This was the type of music I grew up listening to.

I sing along to every word quietly, hoping Andy won't hear, while Andy sings at the top of his lungs, playing air guitar between lyrics.

"You like Green Day?" I ask, smiling at Andy "Yeah!" Andy laughs "Nice, almost everyone likes that top ten crap like Justin Beaver." I laugh "I think it's Justin Beieber." Andy corrects "Not to me." 

We pull in to the Burger king parking lot, still singing to the radio as we get out to order our food.


On the way back, Andy drove after much discussion, and I swear, we almost got pilled over about five times, he was going so fast! I check my watch "You should probably get ready for the show, it starts in two hours." I sigh as we walk in to the bus "Agreed, see you after the show?" I nod a hive him a thumbs-up, before runing to my bunk, grabbing my walkie-talkie, and running out of the bus again, passing all the boys putting on their make-up "Good luck guys, I'll be watching from the lighting platform!" I call, closing the door and sprinting to the building with the stage.


*warning: long A/N!*

I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON, i'M SO SORRY AND I'M HORRIBLE EXCUSE FOR A WRITER! BLAH! I'M SORRY! I really have no good excuse on why it took my that long to update, other than I was on an end-of-the-year field trip that was three days long... SORRY! I really am...

ALSO! Tank you SOOOOOO much for 100 reads! I'M SO EXITED~ I  JUST CAN'T HIDE IT! 

honestly , you guys are AMAZING! Thank you so much! WEEEW! CELEBRATE!

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