The Gunsling

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"So, you said you'd find me a bunk, right?" I ask "Oh, right. It's over here." He replies "Good, I'm getting tired of carrying my bag." Dan opens one of the curtain to the bunk in the back corner of the bus "Here, there's a little shelf type thing behind the small doors on either end, I leave you to unpacking." smiles Dan "Thanks." I sit down in the bunk "Wait, Dan?" I call before he opens the door that leads to the living area, he turns around "H'm?" 

"Who's bunk was this before, I can smell the cologne." I laugh "Old lighting guy, I have no problem believing you can still smell his man-fume, he went through a thing of that crap a week." I scrunch my nose "Gross." I murmur "I know, I'll call you when the show starts!" Dan warns before walking out of the room.

I open my Gym bag and the door at the foot of the bunk to find three small shelves about thirty centimeters deep and counties to the width of the bed, I take out everything other than my clothes and put them on two of the shelves, and place my clothes in the last shelf and the other cabinet.

"Crap." I whisper, I realize I'd made the worst mistake in my life, I had forgotten my books, I face palm myself about a thousand times until I hear the door open "Tron?"

"Yeah Dan?" I ask "You sound completely miserable." he notes "I forgot to bring books." I stay lied down in my bunk, staring at the ceiling blankly as Dan opens the curtain "You won't have time to read with the non-stop party going on here!" He comforts "I don't party." I say bluntly "Really? like, no drinking, nothing?" he sounds shocked "Nope, I don't like the feeling of having alcohol in my system. It's weird." I stay monotone "You're so weird. In other news, the concert is starting, want to come with me to watch?"

"Fine." I get off my bunk and follow Dan out the door.

We go to the "Back Stage" type area, which was really was just a small area blocked off from view of the fans, and sat down on the grass while the guys practiced a soft song, I leaned over to Dan "Their outfits don't match their music..." I whisper "No, this is just one of their softer songs, Savior." He explains, I nod and continue to listen, it really was a beautiful song, the lyrics definitely meant more than the one dimensional lyrics everyone seems to like now...

The guys do some sort of pre-show ritual and run on the stage "We are the Black Veil Brides!" I hear an army scream so loud I hear a ringing in my ears while they scream.

 "So, how was the show?" Jake asks as they run off the stage for a ten-minute break, shining with sweat despite their shirt lessness "Better than I thought, also sweatier than I thought." I joke "Yeah, it gets like that sometimes, or all the time, either works." CC comments, we all laugh, some more than others. Someone walks up to me and nods at the stage "Third light's out." He digs a walkie-talkie from his back pocket "Your official crew member walkie-talkie." He tosses me the device and walks away "Who was that?" I ask after he's out of ear shot "That's John, out guitar and drum tech." I nod "Okay, anyways, that light is judging me." I begin walking to the ladder "Go show that light who's boss!" Jinxx jokes "That I will." I laugh "Good luck Yoda!" Dan Jokes "May the force be with you!" I continue to get random Star-wars references as I climb up the ladder until it just stops, suddenly "So, Dan, you never did tell us why we hired Tron just like that." Andy asks, I tense as I continue to climb "She doesn't want me to tell you guys." Dan sighs, I relax and keep climbing "Please, Danie, for us?" I hear someone ask, I to high to make out individual voices, but I can still understand "Fine." I make it to the top, and a tear runs down my cheek, thanks to Dan I'm going to lose my job, after the first day. 

I fix the light in a matter of seconds, since it was just a loose wire, and sit on the edge of the platform with my legs hanging off "I like it here, nobody can see you, but you have a perfect view of the stage and the crowd, but in an hour, when the sun sets, you can watch the sun setting. It's perfect really." I look at the ladder to see someone still standing on the top rungs with their elbows proped up on the platform; "You look like you've been crying, what's up, new girl?" he asks "Nothing, just Dan said something he wasn't supposed to, and it caused a lot of trouble back in high school." I wiped the last of my tears "It was nothing." I assure "Don't worry, we're not your high school." He smiles. "So, what are you with this whole tour, thing?" I ask "Base tech and mic tech." he replies "you?"

"Lighting tech, hence me fixing the light earlier." I smile "I can have some serious brain farts sometimes." he sighs "S'okay, brain gas is a part of life." I joke "Band is on in two" I hear over the talkie. I crane my heard over to see Andy, CC, Ashley, Jinxx and Jake still talking to Dan, I sigh "So, what does Dan do?" I ask "Dan is our light director, but he always wanted to do makeup even know the guys do that them selves." I nod "Makes sense."

"Black Veil Brides are on in three, two, one." The guys run on to the stage.

I look over "What's your name?" I ask "Luke, you?"

"Tron." I reply.


the thousandth word in this chapter is "I" yay!

Hermescamper, OUT!

Wretched and Divine *Black Veil Brides*Where stories live. Discover now