"No. I'm fine. Don't worry. Oh by the way, Chelsea's going to pick me up and take me out tomorrow." I smiled. The nurse only nodded with a smile as if saying "Sure whatever." She left and I layed back down. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I fell asleep thinking about meeting Andy.

  The next morning came sooner than I thought and before I knew it, it was almost time for my sister to pick me up. I really do hope she brings me clothes cause I don't want to go out with a hospital robe on. Do you know how weird these things feel? They have no butt. It's weird. About thirty minutes later, my sister came to pick me up and she brought clothes with her. Thank god. I went to the bathroom across the hall to change. Once I got in I looked at what she brought me. She brought me a bvb shirt with purple skinny jeans and my purple vans. In case it wasn't obvious, purple is my favorite color. I changed and walked back to my room where Chelsea was sitting on the bed watching tv. She was watching SpongeBob SquarePants. Her favorite show since she was a five year old in a twenty-two year old body. "I'm ready." I said. She looked at me and smiled.

  "Alright. Since we got time do you just want to go to my house and finish getting ready?" She asked.

  "Sure. Sounds good." I smiled. We walked out to her truck. I didn't realise how much I missed seeing her red Dodge. I used to tease her about it, telling her it looked like a cherry. But now it had all kinds of dents and scratches everywhere and it was covered in dirt. We drove to her house singing at the top of our lungs. I was surprised to find out she learned how to scream. It was cool, shocking but cool. Once we got in her house I was attacked by her dog. Of course her bird just flew to her and sat on her shoulder because I was new to it. She finally got her dog off me and we went to her room. I found it interesting that considering I've been in the hospital for months now, I still have all of my hair. But they hadn't done a treatment in a little over a month and my hair grows pretty fast. Why it does that, I don't know. 

  We spent the next half hour getting ready. Chelsea had done my make up so it was simple yet pretty. She had done a light purple eye shadow with red lipgloss. She straightened and teased my hair and did the same with hers. She did her make up after changing clothes. She changed into a bvb shirt that matched mine with red skinny jeans and black vans. Her make up was black eye shadow, as usual, and regular old chapstick. We both did war paint, which Chelsea did because I can't do it. Mine was Andy's, obviously, and hers was Ashley's. She always did Ashley's cause he was her favorite. After she finished her make up and put on everyon of her bracelets we left. We got to the venue ten minutes later and it turns out we were early by like thirty minutes. We went walking around the venue and got to the back when I saw Andy. I freaked out and pulled Chelsea out of sight and shushed her. That's when I heard Andy talk and I melted. Am I a little crazy to melt at just the sound of his voice? Yes but that doesn't matter because he was talking about us.

  "Hey Ash did you see that?" Andy said.

  "See what?"

  "I thought I saw someone. How did you not see that?"

  "Dude I have no idea what you saw so I dont know. I think your mind is playing tricks on you."

  "Yeah probably. Anyways let's get this stuff set up for the show."

   "Alright dude."

   Did I know they were talking about us? Not at first but I eventually peiced it together and realised it. Chelsea pushed me off her and looked at me like I was crazy. I smiled at her and she smiled back after realising why I was smiling. We started laughing and walked back to the venue seeing as the show was starting soon. We got back and the place was packed with people. Knowing Chelsea, she pushed everyone out of the way to get the front. As soon as we got to the front, she screamed and started taking pictures of the stage. After about five minutes the guys came out while the crowd chanted "Black Veil Brides! Black Veil Brides!" over and over again. Andy stood in front me until he noticed me and stepped back. At least I think that's why he stepped back but I don't know.

  About half way through the show Andy shouted into his microphone "What's up you guys?! Alright so when I got out here I looked out at all of you and then I looked down at the people in front of me. I saw one certain girl and I would like to bring her on stage."

  "Wait, wait, wait Andy. If you get to bring a girl up here then I do too." Ashley said as he looked at Chelsea. I noticed that he kept his eyes on her the entire time. I don't think she did though. She's a very oblivious person, so it makes sense.

  "Alright. Who do you want to bring up here?"  Of course every girl started screaming as Ash was thinking about which girl he wanted to bring up. "Girls, girls, girls. Calm down and let Ash pick."

  Ash pointed to Chelsea and said "That beautiful girl right there Andy."

  Chelsea just kind of stood there with her camera up to her face like she was about to take a picture. She lowered her camera and pointed at herself. "Me?" Ash nodded and she looked at me and smiled.

  "That's weird Ash because I wanted bring up her lovely friend." Andy said pointing at me. I was completely and udderly shocked. "Security please bring up these two girls."

  Security did what he said and brought us on stage. I stood next to Andy and Chelsea stood next to Ashley. Chelsea was obviously still processing this because she stood there with her mouth open. Ash laughed and closed her mouth. I just stood there and looked at my feet, admiring the vans that I adored so much. Andy gently pushed my chin up so he could look at me. I stared into his crystal blue eyes as he stared into my brown eyes.

  "What's your name?" Andy asked sweetly. Oh geez, I think I'm melting.

  "I'm Cheyenne and that's my sister Chelsea." I finally answered. He smiled and looked at Ashley.

  "Did you hear that Ash? Beautiful names for beautiful girls." The crowd awwed. I jumped, hiding behind Andy because I forgot the crowd was there. He laughed and pulled me next to him.

  "Alright well lets continue the show 'cause I think the crowd is getting annoyed with this lovey dove stuff."  Andy laughed.

  "Thank god! I was getting tired of this mushy, mushy love crap." Chelsea exclaimed. Everyone looked at her and laughed. I knew she hated romance, it just wasn't her thing. That's one reason why I was hoping Andy would stop with that stuff soon. That and I was melting so much, I thought I was going to pass out. "What? Was it something I said? Does my war paint look weird? Oh don't tell me its smeared or some shit like that." Chelsea whined.

  "Nope. You look fine, trust me." Ashley told her. She smiled weirdly. Andy laughed and looked at me. He then started to sing one of my favorite songs...


Hey guys! So I think I figured out the whole picture thing and decided to just make a gif.

So I think I might update tonight but I don't know. Luckily I have a three day weekend! Yay Labor Day!

So I don't know if the picture will show up but that's Cheyenne.

Don't forget to comment, vote and fan! Thank you lovelies! <3

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