Chapter 14

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÷€#€=€A few weeks later÷€#€=€
"CHELSEA!" I yelled out.
"What Cheyenne?!" She called back.
"Where the hell is my pizza?!"
"Isn't it in the fridge?" She asked walking over to me.
"Nope. Did you eat it?"
"Why do you automatically assu- yea I did."
Next thing I know she's running to God knows where screaming like crazy. After a while Andy and Ash had come out and yelled at us to stop.
"Would you guys stop screaming? It's very annoying." Ash complained.
"Sowwie baby. We'll  try to keep it down." Chelsea apologized causing me to roll my eyes.
"Ash she ate my pizza." I complained.
"Cheyenne sweetie if you stop chasing your sister then we can go get you another pizza." Andy said making me cheer.
"Great idea and I'll  go with you." My dad suggested making me and Chelsea jump not realizing he was there.
"Actually dad me and Andy kinda want to go alone. You don't need to come with us." I said.
"Okay just don't be gone long." He answered.
"Whatever you say dad." I said grabbing Andy's arm pulling him out to the car.
He quickly grabbed his keys then we headed out to the car. Andy ran over to my door to hold it open for me. I giggled as I  stepped inside the vehicle waiting for him to close the door behind me. Once he had gotten in the car I kissed him and told him thank you. He had laughed at me saying I was silly.
When we finally got to the pizza place I didn't waste any time getting out of the car. I was out before Andy even had a chance to take off his seat belt. I jumped in place while I waited for Andy to get out of the car. When he was out I quickly grabbed his arm and ran inside.
"So... what do you want? Gah! Do me a favor and don't grab my arm before you start running just run, just leave me behind. Remember even though I have gazelle legs doesn't mean I run." He panted.
"Okay, okay whatever. But promise me something?" I asked in my innocent kid voice.
"That you'll always catch up to me?"
"Of course." He whispered before he kissed me.
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Hey my Crucified peoples!
So this is a short chapter but it's kind of a filler because I've kinda neglected this story for the other one I'm writing. This story will most likely have a couple more chapters but I  kind of have no idea what to write for it.
Would it be too much to ask if you guys could give me some ideas? I'm not like demanding it or anything I'm only  asking in case you have some ideas you think would be really cool to read in the story.
Anywhore that's it so bye! Enjoy! Comment/vote/fan (I still have no idea what that means but whatever lol)
Loves! ~ Scarlett Corpse

A Wish Turned Into Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن