After a minute or two, I stand up and continue walking. I pay no attention to the stares people shoot me and keep my head down. I keep moving until I reach the library. The place where I first met Haneul. The place where we fell in love.

I don't know why I'm here, but I don't hesitate to step inside. The silence surprises me, as it's the complete opposite to the crowded streets I was just at.

The librarian gives me a smile, but I don't bother to smile back. I'm not in the mood to act friendly. She must think I'm being rude and disrespectful. But, how can someone smile after a person they love loses their life? I know I won't be able to bring myself to force a smile.

I grab a random book off the shelf and head to a quiet area. Coincidentally, it's the same spot I sat at when I first encountered Haneul. I place the book on the table and sit down. I open it and flip through the pages. I groan and I soon give up on reading it.

The book just had to be a love story. I close the book and toss it aside as I lay my head on the table and I stare into space.

Then, I hear a voice. The voice of a young girl. A voice I know oh-so-clearly. It's Haneul's voice. Her gentle and soothing voice fills the silence of the library.


"Is this seat taken?" She says, gesturing to the empty seat in front of me.

I shake my head, "No."

She smiles and sits down. A book in her hands, the same book I'm reading. She opens the book and starts to read. I notice her long eyelashes and her soft lips. Her skin so flawless and cheeks so rosy. She's so beautiful. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Hey," I say to get her attention.

She looks up from her book and I instantly melt by her gaze.

"The book you're reading," I begin to say. "It's the same as mine."

She peers at the cover of my book, "What a coincidence. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said."

I smile and extend my left hand for her to shake, "I'm Kim Taehyung, by the way."

"Hanuel. Choi Hanuel," She says and she shakes my hand.

"Sky. Such a graceful name. Perfect for a beautiful girl," I say and she blushes. "But I guess you must've heard that compliment from many other boys, so me complimenting you might mean nothing."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, you're obviously really pretty, so why wouldn't guys be flirting with you and trying to ask you out?"

"That's where you're wrong. You're the first guy to say that to me. Other boys aren't that genuine, they just show off in front of me and try to get into my pants."

I'm shocked by what she said. I notice the change in her expression, so I don't dwell and question her more. She must've been through some rough times.

She chuckles suddenly, "Don't look at me like that, with those serious eyes."

"Sorry," I say and bring the topic back to the book we're both reading. "So, how do you like the book so far?"

Before saying anything, she thinks for a while and I just look at her, gazing at her alluring face.

"It's such a cliche story, with the guy giving the girl flowers and proposing to her with a diamond ring. Then the girl leaping into his arms to say yes and kiss him," She starts to say honestly. "But, I like cliche. It's romantic."

I nod my head.

"Don't you agree with me?" She asks as I only nod.

"Maybe it is romantic, but I personally don't like things that are cliche. Because there's no thought and creativity to cliche. There's no uniqueness and significance to it. It's not special," I respond. "I think making things more eccentric and distinctive is more romantic and passionate. That way, the person would feel valued and significant."

"I guess that's true too. But I don't mind cliche," Hanuel says. "I like the way you think. It's fascinating."


"Sir, excuse me. Sir?" I'm brought back to reality by the librarian's voice.

I must've dozed off. And I dreamed of Hanuel. Though it wasn't a dream, because it was real. It was a memory. A memory of the time we met each other.

"Sir," The librarian says and nudges me. "It's almost closing time."

I nod my head in acknowledgement as I look at the clock on the wall. It's 6:00. I was here for over two hours. I stand up and place the book back onto the shelf.

I leave the library and as I step outside, I immediately feel the cold wind on my face. The sun is setting and the air has become chilly. I shiver as I walk. Though the good thing is that the streets are no longer as crowded and busy as before.

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