Pocket!John (Request)

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Requested by Trimnere

Never really thought about writing this before. It is a cute idea though and I've seen it a lot all over the fandom, which Benedict Cumberbatch himself basically fueled. Tiny, little John. Enjoy!


I honestly thought Mrs.Hudson was taking to much of her medication. She had been seeing little figures all over the flat, and one time she even said that she saw tiny footprints. Of course, when I got back to the flat they the were gone. I didn't know if I should have believed her or not.

Then the same thing started happening to me. I was seeing little figures in the curtains, well, just one figure. I thought it was someone across the street, but when. I checked and the lights across the street were off and they were in bed. I probably was hallucinating off lack of sleep.

Other times I would find things randomly on the counter where I did experiments. Or I would walk back to those experiments and they would be cleaned up. I thought it was Mrs.Hudson being nosey again but she was asleep on her couch when I went to go check on her.

Cupboards were opening and closing during the night and I could hear the squeaking. Tea bags had even started disappearing. I would find my tea set out of the cupboard every time I came home and by the dryness of the cup, I could tell that the tea had been made at noon.

I poked and prodded at Mrs.Hudson, even yelled. She insisted that no one was breaking into the apartment or that she wasn't messing with my stuff. I have even found strands of thread that lead from room to room. I ran into one with my head and tore it out of the wall.

Something was in my apartment, and I didn't know what.

It had become springtime and nothing from the usual happened. Cupboards slamming, the tiny figures and shadows, footprints.

Mrs.Hudson made me do spring cleaning all by myself this year, which irritated me slightly. I had opened all the windows and started the wipe down all the counters. I started emptying all the cupboards until I notice something behind all the dishes that I never used.

I almost had my head stuck fully into the cupboard and I stared at a small, doll-like chair. And also a very small sleeping bag. And one of my flashlights that had gone missing last November. Lastly, three teabags and a large stack of crackers.

I had never seen anything like this before.

I decided that something like this was a little too big to think about normally. I laid myself across the couch and went into my mind palace.


John's tiny heart was moving too fast for him, he pulled himself up the piece of string that hung from the mantle. The man had found it, John knew that today was going to be a dangerous day for him. Hopefully, the man didn't mind John living with him secretly for the past five months.

John had moved from house to house consistently for the past...20 years? John didn't really know. He was kicked from his community when he was ten because he was a traitor. He liked the large people, even though they were a large threat to his kind.

The large people, like the man, didn't know that his kind existed. He hoped he didn't, of course. John just hoped the man thought that some larger person was breaking into his house...or something.

John wasn't very good about hiding himself either. John knew that the man had seen him a large number of times. He also had caught him many times stealing food or tea. He loved tea, and he had it every other day.

It wasn't easy for him to make it and it took him a while to understand how the man's stove top worked, but he was able to get the hang of it after his second month at the apartment.

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