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I look at Izuku. He looks confused too. Kacchan is not this kind of friend...he's not even a friend to me anymore. I can see the bright red flame aura around his clenched fist. "What the heck was that, y/n?!?" He yells. "Are you cheating on me?!?" I frown at him. "Yeah sure. You know, I'm an idiot so I decided that leaving my caring, protective, kindhearted boyfriend for a dumbass who sees women as sexual objects was a good idea." (Sorry Kacchan it has to be this way :/ for now) Todoroki looks at me. "Listen carefully Y/n." He leans in closer to me and crouches on me on the bed. I gulp down, feeling my cheeks getting hot. "If anyone has any love interest in you...they're dead." He holds my head in his hands. "You are mine." He kisses me passionately, and I kiss back forgetting Izuku in the room. He slides his hands to my neck as we kiss, and slips his tongue in my mouth.

We pull apart. I don't want to see the disgusted look on Izuku's face, so I look away. I hear s muffled laughter. "What is so..." I see the phone in Izuku's hands. "Fuck, NO! DONT SEND THAT TO ANYONE!" He is giggling and I'm frustrated. Todoroki gets off the bed. "Humanity's pride! A (your ship name) photo!" Izuku shouts.

I can see Todoroki getting hotter by second. He burns the sleeves of his shirt. "I think the fuck not, mister. Next time I see a shirt burned Im going to dump it in the garbage." He looks away. "Not that I do it on purpose..." he mutters. Izuku is still holding the phone. "IZUKUUUUU!!!!" I scream, realizing that weird talk was on video. He giggles. "Anyways! Bye you guys! I-I have to uhm...go. Byeee!" He bolts out of the room. I look at Todoroki. Ugh. This is awkward.

"So someone else noticed after all." A voice grumbles at the door. I didn't see Endeavour at the door, let alone hearing him. He grins like a maniac he is. "Oh, hi there, Endeavour." I say, cheer in my voice. I can act really well. I should. Todoroki looks away, hands in his pockets. "What did someone else notice?" He looks at me. "Drop the act. I know what's going on with you two." I gulp, and look at Todoroki. Hes stern again. I get up. Todoroki tries to push me back in the bed, but im already up. "Leave me be." I say. He looks surprised. "Your ribcage...?" I shake my head. "What brings you here, number two hero?" I ask. My voice is cold. I haven't been so serious in a while.

"I'm here to bring my son back home." He orders. "Let go of your hostage." I start laughing so hard that Shouto has to hold me up. He's smiling too. Such an angelic smile. Endeavour frowns. "Move, boy. We are leaving." Todoroki shoots him a look over my shoulder. "I'm sorry for this." He whispers near my ear. I turn at him. He looks frustrated...and something else. He starts kissing me harder than ever before, and corners me in the wall. His hand is on my leg and waist, and he shoves his tongue in my mouth again. He doesn't pull away after some seconds, and I'm not used to this.

I'm being pushed to the wall, so I have to hold on to his neck and arms to stand. "Sorry. Please let me handle this." He whispers in my mouth, and I know he has something in mind.

He pulls my leg up his waist and pins me on the wall. His hands don't go too far, but his breath is getting warmer. I hold on to his arm by my side to not scream. My broken ribs hurt so bad.

"Shh." He says between the kisses. He wraps his arm around my waist and under my hips, and pins me to the bed. He's on top of me, and his tie touches my neck as we kiss again and again. "Shouto..." I mumble. He kisses me deeper. I don't know why he's doing this. Is he using Endeavour's presence to make out with me?

Shoutos POV

I kiss her more and more. Her legs are by my sides and I decide to go even further and touch her thigh. I pull her on the bed completely and kiss her there. "S-Shouto..." she whispers when we stop to catch our breaths. I look at my old man. He has...horror and disgust on his face. He leaves and shuts the door behind him. I can see the burn marks on the floor where he walked. I turn at y/n again. "I'm really s-Sorry, y/n..." I mutter. I really am. I had to do it if I wanted him to leave us alone. "Oh, it's okay. I...liked it actually." Her voice drops at the end. I look at her. I want to keep going. But is she okay with it? I hold her jaw and kiss her. She mutters something under her breath. "Hm?" I mumble back. She looks away. I push her on the bed. "Open for me?" I whisper. "Oh my, we have learnt to ask..." she answers.

We kiss for another couple minutes. At last, we cuddle together and nap for half an hour. This stuff is tiring. I can't say I hated it, but touching this way is too new for me. It is for her too, obviously.

Todoroki X Reader: When Pure Black Meets Half WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now