PE part II

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He pets my head, and redoes the straps on my tail. I screech, meaning we will need more space. He translates for All Might, and the whole class gets sent outside to watch us.

When we get outside, bright morning sun blinds my eyes. My skin glows in the sunlight, but I absorb it so it is hot for me. I bend down slightly for Todoroki to get on my back, and we take off. I growl, screech, and chuckle at some point. "Get it." We fly away and come back gliding over them. I fly up strongly, and flip Todoroki, surround him with my wings. There's a hole for him to do as I told him between my wings. He reaches out, and covers us in ice.

I screech, and blast the ice away, flip him on my back, and dive down.

I barely miss their heads on purpose, and shoot a spike of ice Todoroki threw for me from a great distance.

I don't care about the class, nor All Might. We are having fun with Todoroki, and that's all I care. He smiles sweetly as he hugs my head, which is probably the only thing he can hug since it's huge, too. It's as wide as half of his arm.

All Might is there, looking at us. I transform back into the human form, and wait for his reply.

After some moments of silence, he talks.

"Since when are you...flying together?" He asks. I screech. Todoroki shoots me the A for Effort But Not Working Sis Look. "A day and a half." He answers. "And since when do you know her?" He gulps down. "A day and a half, again." All Might nods, clearly thinking about something. Izuku smiles at us, where the brown haired girl is squealing. "You two have a harmony going on. Also he can understand her, which means you have a bond already..." he mumbles. Some giggle. Todoroki touches my crown and I understand what I'm supposed to do. I open my mouth and ready a tiny blast. We both wait for Kacchan to make a move. "I haven't seen this kind of...unity in years. You may be the strongest duo out of all." He mumbles. I see Kacchan starting to get angry. "Why don't we carry this into a friendly competition?" He asks to the class. Todoroki jumps on my back. "I'm way better than these two lovebirds!" Kacchan screams at All Might. I shoot the blast, missing his head by a millimetre. He shuts up.

I transform into my human form. Todoroki holds my shoulders, and finds me some blankets to get me warm, since the huge blast I made to shatter the ice into pieces tired me a lot. He sits on my right, and I put my head on his left shoulder. Its warm and cozy. I can feel his breathing above my ear, and slowly drift off to sleep. He puts my head on his lap.

(Todoroki's POV)
She's laying on my lap, freezing cold. I use my left hand to heat her. "She's freezing, dammit." I ponder as my hands heat her shoulders. I watch her sleep. She looks so peaceful, yet she could literally eat a person alive. I remember how I called her my love at the yard this morning, and gulp down the embarrassment. "It's okay." I tell to myself. I brush her hair off her face, and hold her hands in my left hand. I heat both of them.

after some time I get bored of watching the competition. So far, Uraraka and Izuku are the second best, Kaminari and Bakugo coming third. I look at y/n. She's still sleeping, and I'm getting sleepy myself. Me eyelids get heavy and I lose my focus. Finally I give up and lay down with her on my left side so I can heat her.

She groans in her sleep, causing me to wake up immediately. "Y/n..." I say, as she wakes up, too. I see that we are in the second half of class. We must have slept for half an hour. I brush my hair back with my hand, but it stays messy. I look at y/n. She still looks sleepy, but is awake. "Oh." She says. "Oh my god. My-oh-my back..." she whimpers. I turn to her and crawl up the thick mattress. "Y/n?" I ask. She's trying to reach her back, and is whimpering pain. "Calm down. Where does it hurt?" I lay her down on her belly. I run my hand over her back and to her waist. I push my thumbs between her spades and a sigh of relief escapes her mouth. Then, I rub her whole spine, knowing how bad it should hurt since she slept in a weird position.

As she finally calms down, I smile at her gently. "Are you Okay?" I ask. She nods, and her e/c eyes wander around. I stretch, and she lets out a tiny yawn. She's cute when she's sleepy. Wait, no. I didn't think that. It's too early for that...stuff.

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