Chapter 25: Things Change

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Dearest Isabella,
I have written this letter to tell you about feelings I have had for a while. You may have guessed from our last conversations. I know this is quite a hard time for you, because of the actions from a couple days ago, but I would want to take this off my chest.
You're the most amazing person I've ever met. That's a fact. You make me smile, make my day better, you're not like any other person I've met.
I would like to apologise if I've caused any upset at in the past, or in this letter. I don't expect you to feel the same way or write back, all I wanted is for you to read this.
Love, Oliver

"Oh my" I took a breath in reading it over breakfast, I was far to tired to read it when I first got it. Also it was my first day back 2 days ago and I didn't want any distractions. So this was the only time I had.

The thing was, did I love Oliver? Sure I might've had a crush, but it was ages ago. But I did have a special feeling reading the letter, but that could be because I'm flattered. Hey, maybe it's to early to go out with someone. But what happens I say no, and in a couple months when I'm ready he's with someone else!

"Ruby I can't" I told her. It was my turn to get orders. And serve the newsies. I've been dreading this day for ages.

"Isabella, I know it's hard. But you just got to do it" Ruby put a hand on my shoulder "Show you're the better person. You want to be known as the girl who cries because of Spot Conlon?"

She's right. Ugh. But I don't want to. It'll be awkward. Not just because of Spot, the boys too. I loved hanging out at the docks with them. But I guess it's going to change.

It's kinda change for the other girls as well. Ruby only got her friendship back with Spot a couple months ago, now it's gone. She told me, the day I was gone, after her shift Spot shouted at her for lying. Saying she was jealous or some sort. I was so mad at him for that.

So Grace had to get the orders the next time. But she got so upset when Flash didn't say hi to her.

Actually none of the newsies have been talking to them. Knockout,  who's been talking to Ruby quite a bit recently, stopped talking or hanging out with her. Also Heights used to wave to Grace through the little kitchen window, but not anymore.

Guess things change.

"You got this!" Grace called. I nodded to her before grabbing my notebook and pen and heading out.

Taking orders again was quite weird, even though it's only been a couple of days. But hey, you gotta do ,what you gotta do.

Though my stomach turned when I started to head to the newsie table. I'm keep telling myself I got this, but I was panicing.


The table got went silent as I asked that. I didn't stand where I usually was, near Spot's seat, for obvious reasons. I looked around at them, they had their heads low. For crying out loud.


Most of the customers turned as the door slammed shut. I looked back where Spot's seat was and saw it was empty.

"Hey, Spot ain't that bad" Heights angrily spoke. I ignored him and asked a final time if they had orders. They said nothing. I rolled my eyes and spoke

"Ok first off if you don't say anything I'll get you no food or a loaf of bread. Second just because I'm not with Spot dosent mean I can't have a nice friendship with you all. Also speaking of which, don't be so mean on Grace and Ruby"

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