"Why don't you stay for some coffee and the kids can go hang out or something," mom says more than asks.

Mr. and Mrs. Jung look at each other, "Well, I suppose we could stay."

"Yay! Ok Jisung, clean the table will you? It will be good practice for your new job." Damn, what a clever move. Jisung groans in response but starts cleaning anyway.

"Ok well, we're gonna go hang out in my room," I say, referring to Jaehyun and I, and push him up the stairs. "Ok. Oh and Eunji, no Minecraft. You're still in trouble for flinging water balloons at the kids in the park."

"Mom! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!"  My cheeks turn a deep scarlet and my eyes are wide with betrayal.

"That's why your mom took away your Minecraft? Oh this is priceless!" Jaehyun's annoying loud laugh resonates through the living room.

"Water balloons?! MY WATER BALLOONS?! EUNJI!" Jisung stops cleaning the table when he hears "water balloons." Yeah I used his water balloons and threw them at kids in the park, but they called me an old lady before that so. They're just lucky I didn't fill them with paint, now THAT would've been a show.

"Ok, ok you can go now." Mom gives a wave of her hand. I trudge up the stairs with Jaehyun following closely behind, still laughing. I open the door to my room and plop down on the bed, Jaehyun plops down next to me.

"So, thanks for stopping that asshole earlier at school." Jaehyun turns to me, "Who? Yuta? Oh well, I just didn't want to see my two friends arguing, plus, I didn't want you to be late, then we wouldn't be able to hang out."

I sit up, leaning against the headboard,"Uhm also, sorry for cursing at you. It's just you're my friend and that's just part of my personality, ya know?" Jaehyun chuckles and sits up after me, "I know, that's just how you show you care."  We sit in silence, not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. After a while he suddenly turns to face me.

"I need to tell you something." He says, a serious look on his face. I turn and give him my full attention, "Sure, go ahead."

He starts playing with his hands, a nervous habit he's had since we were kids. That must mean it's something serious. "Hey," I gently put my hand on his knee, "you know you can tell me anything." He hesitates, "I'm not so sure." It comes out mumbled but I still hear it. This worries me.

"Before you start, let me ask you something. Are you selling drugs?" He laughs, "No, I'm not. But if I was, you're the first person I'd tell."

"Damn, I was hoping you'd hook it up," I say, a cheesy smile on my face. "Ok so what is it?"

"Well," he continues to play with his fingers, "I like this girl. . ."

"Ooooh, do I know her?" I tease.

Jaehyun looks at me for a while before answering, "Yes. Now listen, I need your advice. What's the best way to confess?"

"You want to confess?" I ask, surprised. "Yeah, I've liked this girl for a really long time, and I just really want to tell her, even if she doesn't accept my feelings. . ."

"Well, if you tell me who it is, I could help you better," I singsong

"Uhm, I will, eventually. Just tell me, how would a girl like a guy to confess?"

"Well. . ." I start, the wheels in my head turning, "just be straightforward but sweet."

". . . Elaborate please." He has a look that says 'wtf u mean bitch.'

"I mean, just tell her 'Hey I like you and I've liked you for a while so will you be my girlfriend?' And then give her that famous dimple smile and she'll fall head over heels, trust me."

Jaehyun smiles, "I wish it was that simple."

"Why can't it be?"

"Because, I've known this girl for a long time. I'm head over heels, heart eyes 25/8, almost in love but not quite there because I fear rejection. Now, I just want to let her know before another year passes."

"Wow.  Before another year passes? You really have liked her for a long time. . ." Then it hits me. "WHY HAVENT YOU TOLD ME YOU HAVE A CRUSH BEFORE?! I ALWAYS tell you when I have a crush on someone!"

Jaehyun flinches at my tone. "I just wasn't ready yet! But now that I am. . ."

There is a long moment of silence before he speaks again.

"Eunji, my best friend of eight years, I'm going to tell you who I like."


Who does Jaehyun like guys👀

Btw in this book Jaehyun's birth name is Yoonoh. I know it's Jaehyun and he changed it to Yoonoh but I'm changing it for the book.

Bye hoes.

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