Chapter nineteen: The birth of a Min

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A/n: I'm going to do a large time skip mainly because not many things happen during the time where Jungkook is pregnant so I'm going to do a nine months time skip so enjoy~


"Breath baby" Yoongi said rubbing Jungkook's back who was on the floor holding onto the bed. "I-It hurts" he whimpered and groaned rubbing his large stomach now. It's finally the due date and Yoongi just wants to make sure this time it's real other than the other times were it was a false alarms. "I know my sweet essence~ you'll be okay baby" Yoongi said as Jungkook breathed in and out slowly "Yoong" he whined as Yoongi cupped his cheeks and pecked his lips "I know my baby, I'll call the ambulance babe" he said calling the ambulance as Jungkook breathed in and out rubbing his large stomach. Yoongi called the ambulance and wrapped an arm around Jungkook pulling him close "Okay Okay thank you" he finally hanged up "They're on their way" he said softly as Jungkook heavy breathed nodding.

Soon the ambulance came taking Jungkook to the hospital as Jungkook kept groaning and whimpering in pain. Yoongi held his hand tightly the whole way. In the room Yoongi and Jungkook were companied by Jimin, Jihoon, and Jiyoon. Jimin was tell Jungkook to breath in and out as Yoongi rubbed his fiancés hand "Easy there baby" he cooed as Jungkook groaned "Agh I hate you!" He suddenly shouted as Yoongi raised a brow and looked at Jimin who mouthed 'mood swings' Yoongi nodded and kissed Jungkook's forehead "I know baby" Jungkook groaned again "It fucking hurts!" He yelled in pain as Jimin nodded "I know I know but just try to relax and breath in and out Kookie" Jungkook nodded and after awhile he calmed himself quite well.

The doctor came in with three nurses along with him. "Okay! Mr. Jungkook, seems like you are ready to give birth" he said softly as Jungkook nodded panting harshly and squeezing Yoongi's hand. "Alright lets get ready here!" The doctor said as he put Jungkook's feet up and looked in to see when the baby will come out. "Okay Jungkook, I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can okay?" Jungkook panted and nodded as he started pushing. Yoongi held onto Jungkook's right hand as Jimin held his left one. Jimin kept cheering Jungkook on to keep going and Yoongi just whispered 'It's okay baby' and 'I love you so much' to support Jungkook.

Jungkook yelled in pain as he kept pushing, it hurt so much but Jungkook kept pushing "Ugh!" Jungkook groaned as the doctor smiled "I see the shoulders, keep pushing!" Jungkook at this point started sobbing as he kept pushing "come on baby, you can do it my love" Yoongi encouraged as he kissed Jungkook's tears away. He smiled as suddenly he heard soft baby cries. Jungkook sighed and sobbed as he looked down to see his baby "Congratulations! It's a girl!" The doctor as Yoongi smiled widely tearing up "It's our baby girl, love." He said now letting tears fall as Jungkook smiled tiredly and was panting softly as the doctor gave the baby to Jungkook, Jungkook gasped and sobbed "Oh my gosh....she's gorgeous" he sobbed as Jimin smiled widely "Jungkook you have to cute the cord" Jimin said softly. Jungkook nodded as he then cut the baby's cord, the nurses then gently took the baby and washed her as Jungkook also got cleaned up. Jungkook looked at Yoongi as he smiled tiredly. "I love you..." Jungkook whispered as Yoongi pecked his lips "I love you more my sweet baby" Yoongi replied and kissed Jungkook's hand "Rest up angel, you need to rest" Jungkook nodded exhausted as he soon fell asleep.

With the baby in his arms Yoongi cooed at her and kissed her little forehead. "Gorgeous just like your daddy, your daddy is the prettiest boy I seen. When me and your daddy found out he was pregnant with you, we were so happy! The most gorgeous man in my life is having my baby" he smiled "Although your dad complained when you were growing in his tummy, I thought he was getting more and more gorgeous. He was so insecure and worried that he was getting too fat or too ugly but the truth is, he was getting more and more gorgeous day by day." Jungkook smiled as he opened his eyes "Eunji" Yoongi looked up and smiled "What baby?" Jungkook smiled more "Eunji....Min Eunji" Yoongi smiled and walked over to Jungkook "perfect name baby" he whispered and kissed Jungkook's lips. Jungkook smiled tiredly and kissed back before pouting a bit when Yoongi pulled back "Min Eunji huh...." Yoongi said as Jungkook nodded smiling "let me carry my angel" Yoongi nodded and slowly placed Eunji in Jungkook's arms as he sat on the edge of the bed. Jungkook looked at Eunji and cooed "My angel~ oh how pretty you are" he cooed at her as she slept soundly. "She's just like you already Yoongs~ very sleepy all the time" Yoongi chuckled and kissed his husbands head "Mm really?" Jungkook giggled and nodded "yeah~"

Jimin peeked in and smiled before closing the door fully "Come on kids, go buy some candy in the meantime. You'll get to see your baby sister soon" He said softly as Jihoon and Jiyoon nodded and ran to the vending machines. Jimin sighed softly and walked to one of the chairs of the waiting room. He was sure he was over his ex husband but deep in his heart he knew it wasn't true, he was hiding his pain of seeing his ex husband move on and already have a baby of his own with his significant other. At the end, he couldn't do nothing about it.

Jungkook and Yoongi ending up falling asleep with Eunji sleeping soundly in Jungkook's arms. They were finally a family.

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