I follow Jason out of the staffroom and behind the counter. It feels weird being back at the coffee shop. Although I am usually off on weekends anyways, something about last weekend made me feel like I was away for a long time. A warming feeling grows in my heart as I think about the man's bright green eyes staring deeply into mine. The little note that I keep in my bag is the only evidence of the amazing night I had. 

''Welcome back'' Mark walks into the building, the manager of this tiny coffee shop. Jason and I smile at him as he walks into the staffroom. 

''He was a bit grumpy'' I giggle, wondering why Mark didn't stop for a conversation with us as he usually does. 

''He was at court on Saturday'' Jason speaks quietly, ''I think his divorce has been finalised''. 

''Oh'' Is all I say, my heart sinking for poor Mark. I remember when I started working here I had just gotten out of high school and Mark was madly in love. He bought this place out three years ago when him and his wife had just gotten married, this was the place they first met. Sadness lingers in my heart as I remember how he would come into work, high off of love and joy. All that is left is the bitter, sad stone walls of this quaint coffee place. 

Work goes slowly, and my stomach simmers with anticipation for it to be over. Business runs as normal, the usual busy hours of the day and then sudden quiet. I watch the last half hour of the clock tick down. 

''Olive'' Jason throws me a wet soapy cloth and I manage to catch it last minute. I eagerly wipe down the counters and machines. The quicker I get it done, the quicker I can go. 

Jason edges closer to me, wiping down the same counter I am on, meeting me in the middle. 

''He's been in there most of the day'' He whispers, turning his head to Mark who is sat on the computer of the staffroom. My heart sinks as I look over. He is just staring at the log-in screen. 

Memories of Mark flash into my head from only a few months ago, he would hum and whistle and waltz about the place, asking customers about their days and wrapping his arms around Jason and I. I leave my cloth on the counter and walk over to the staffroom. 

I greet Mark with a gentle knock on the staffroom door and a soft ''Hi''. Mark spins around in the office chair and tries to muster a smile.

''Hi Olive, what can I do for you?'' He croaks. 

''Uh-I was thinking... Why don't you go home and give me the keys, I can lock up for you'' I smile. I don't know whether it is a good idea for Mark to go home and sit alone with no company at all, but it must be better than being sad at work. 

''I don't know... Would you do that for me?'' His eyes look hopeful and soft and I reply with a frantic nod of my head. 

He stands up from the office chair and wraps his arms around me.

''Thank you Olive, truly'' He pulls away, ''I need to get out of here''. 

Mark pulls his coat on and hands me the keys. I don't mind sacrificing leaving early for Mark. He has done so much for me. He picked me up from home and took me back last Christmas time for a week as my car wouldn't budge in the snow. He comforted me whenever Kayla would piss me off or upset me. He's been understanding at times where I needed to get away from working myself. 

He shuffles out of the staffroom and waves goodbye to Jason. The small bell on the coffee shop door rings as he exits the building. 

''Must be rough'' Jason speaks as he wrings out one of the soapy cloths. ''I know how hard love can be'' He looks down at the metal sink that he is wringing the cloth over. 

I wouldn't know. I have never been in love. Love and boyfriends have never interested me in the way that they seem to interest everyone else. 

Before I know it, Jason and I are cleaned up and ready to leave. 

''See you tomorrow Ol'' He waves goodbye as we part ways at the shop door. I double check that it has been locked before walking over to my white Fiesta and getting into it. Excitement bubbles in my stomach. I turn on the engine and make my way over to the phone repairs store. 



I pull the note from Olivia out of my jean pocket. I read the words over and over, analysing them from front to back, right side up to upside down. She definitely wants to text me. Why hasn't she? 

We are now in the hotel in Vancouver, two hours before we set off to the concert venue. I should have fucking told her. Why didn't I tell her? She could be here with me right now. We could have gone for a meal before the show. I could've had her in the crowd, singing to her. I slam my fist onto the desk in front of me. She won't leave my mind. Why won't she leave my mind? 

I think about the way we gravitated to eachother like magnets. The way she listened so intensely to everything I had to say. All I have ever wanted was for someone to listen to me, my true self, the way I can put myself across. She wasn't blinded by the fame and the fortune, she was listening to my soul. Hell, as far as she knew, she didn't have a clue what I looked like. Yet she cared. It truly felt like she cared. 

I slam my fist on the desk once again, wrapping my hands in my hair and tugging hard. Fuck fuck fuck. I can't tell her. I can't tell her who I am. Everything will change. 

I sit back in the chair and laugh to myself. I am fucking crazy. I shared one night with this girl and she knows me better than any cheesy, greasy interviewer. She knows me better than any other fan. 

She knows the true Harry Styles.

The funniest part is that she doesn't even know it's me. 



I greet my Mom and Dad briefly before bolting straight upstairs and into my room, slamming the bedroom door shut. I hop onto my bed like a little girl, frantically emptying the contents of my bag allover the duvet. 

My newly fixed phone is working and I feel so relieved and happy. I couldn't care less that the man in the store heavily overcharged me, all that matters is that I get to finally find out who the man I met the other night is. 

I type in my passcode, getting it wrong a few times before my shaking fingers finally manage to enter the right combination. 

I let out a deep breath I didn't even realise I was holding. 

My chest rises and falls and my heart is beating fast. My quivering fingers pick up the note. 

I hold both my phone and the note to my face as I begin to type the numbers into my contact book. 

This is it. 

My wait is over. 


((soooooo soorrrrryyyy for the cliffhanger xD))))

I have been super busy today you guys and honestly thankful I managed to squeeze in a chapter !!! 

Do you guys like the way the story is going? 


- Hannah x

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