Part 1

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Lucian's POV

It's was in the middle of the night when the circus Alegria came to town, of course, with my permission since they are a pack of rogues. They have been before some years ago when my dad still was Alpha and I was just a kid. My dad, Dominik Stone, and the Circus King, Marcus Russell, have been friends for years, so why not let the circus come to town. I talked to Marcus over the phone and told him that he could use the field that we use for festivals and training since there can't grow anything there and it's surrounded by trees but still open.

It's a warm night when I was walking down the street with my beta and a couple of friends when some cars drove by us, with their windows open. I already knew it was Marcus and his family since there was the Alegria logo on the cars, but something was different. I think it was the sweet scent of vanilla from one of the cars that made my wolf, Jax, react. 

'Sweet vanilla... Let's go after them, Lucian.'
'We don't have to Jax, we know where they are going...' 

''Hey Alpha are you coming?'' Matthew called.
''Yeah...'' I said and towards them, ''We can have a few more beers before we go home. It's on me.''
''YES! You heard the Alpha! Beers on him!'' Ruben said as he jumped around in happiness since it was his 21 year birthday we were out and celebrate.

After an hour or two, I had to call my mom to get us home since none of us was allowed to drive home after all that alcohol we have been drinking. So now we were standing outside and waiting for my mom like drunk teens. 

''You know what bro...'' Matthew said as he stood beside me.
''No, what Matthew?'' 
''I think I'm going to propose to Faith when I get home...''
''I don't think she will say no since the two of you are mates and have Mary... So go for it...'' He looked at me. ''What? Do you want my blessing or something? Well, you have my blessing... Happy?''
''Yeah... But I was going to say that your mom is here...'' I looked over at my mom, I gave her a smile as we walked over to the car.

As my mom was driving us home as the sweet scent of vanilla came closer as near our pack house. 'When we get home I'm taking over!'
'No Jax... We're going to bed cos we have a meeting with Marcus and his family tomorrow then we can talk about it. Got it?'
'Got it.' 

When we got out of the car, I walked over to the Alpha Cabin and got inside. I walked into the bedroom on the second floor, I heard a happy howl from next door and a happy Matthew yelling she said yes. I stood for a moment and looked out of the window before I took off my clothes and went to bed. I looked at my phone to see what the time was, it said 2 am. I turn to face the window before I fall asleep.

In the morning I walked over to the pack house's kitchen to eat breakfast. Well, I do have my own kitchen in my cabin, but I didn't use it. And there it was again the faint scent of sweet vanilla, whoever it was, just left before I got over here. Jax really wanted to get out so we could look for it but as the ass I am, I didn't let him take control. I walked into the kitchen and saw my parents sitting there talking with Marcus. ''Morning Alpha...'' one of the omega said and of course, I replied with a ''morning...''

I took a seat next to my dad. ''Morning my son, you remember Marcus and his wife Sif?''
''Of course... It's nice to see you again.''
''The honor is mine Alpha. By the way, I think you have met my children Sammy and Cassie?'' I looked over at Sammy and Cassie, they didn't look like they wanted to be here.

''And this little one here is my grandchild, Mabel. Oh, and you just missed our little Snow Bunny,'' I looked over at Marcus.
''Snow Bunny?''
''Yeah, that's what we call our youngest... We don't have them so often and we picked him 10 years ago. But he can tell the story why if he wants to... But I think our little Snow Bunny went back to the big tent since the rope have been put up...''

''Will it be okay if I walk down there after work?''
''Of course, it's your territory and since you been so kind and letting us stay here, it's the least we can do.''

Luca's POV

As I walked back towards the big tent this scent of mint and earth, it was the same scent as yesterday. Me and my wolf, Nick, is curious by Nature, sure I wanted to walk over there to see who it was, but I have other plans for the day. I walked into the tent to see that Gabe check the rope when he noticed me. 

''Luca! Perfect timing. I was just done with the double check and it's should as safe as it can be. In other words, you can use it now. But be careful, we haven't put the safety net up yet.''
''You know that I don't need the safety net.''
''I know... And remember if you want to get down from that side without the ladder use the rope with the knots.''
''Thank you, Gabe,'' I said as run over the ladder and climb up to the top.

I started to walk from one side to the other a few times and sat down on one of the sides. After an hour I stood and started to walk towards the other side of the rope when this strong scent of mint and earth entered the room. I just stood for a moment before I turned to see this guy who was staring at me, but there was something about him there made Nick say something I never thought I would hear him say. 'Mate...' I was terrified, not of him, but of the idea with the word 'mate' after what happened to my mother. 

This left me unfocused and about to fall. I was lucky that I have fast reflexes when I grabbed the rope I was walking not seconds ago. 

''Jump and I will catch you!'' He said.
''No! I don't care that your my mate, but I don't even know if I can trust you...'' I said as I pulled myself back up on the rope.

I walked slowly back to that side without a ladder and hide behind the beam where the rope was attached to, hoping he could get up here. 'Luca... Please talk to him... He is our mate...'
I listen to Nick and said, ''What's your name?'' It took him some time to answer, but when he answered he voice was closer.

''It's Lucian Stone...'' He purrs into my ear, which made me blushes. I turned around to see that he stood right behind me.
'How did he?' 'The rope...'

This Lucian was a tall guy around 6,7ft(204cm) maybe even taller, well built, black hair, and he had these beautiful amber eyes, there made me wanted to run away from him but at the same time, I never want to leave his side. Compared to him, I was a small person, I'm only 5,5ft(167cm), with light blue eyes and ash blonde hair.

''Luca...'' He said it like he was tasting it. ''I like it...'' he said as took my hand and placed a small kiss on it. It felt like there was no one else in the world than us. The only thing there pulled me out of my thoughts was the sound of the wind there had changed.

'Luca, the wind is howling...' 'I know...'
Lucian seems to have noticed restlessness, ''What is it?'' he asked.
''There's a storm coming this way... We have to get down and get people inside...''
''How do you know?''
''The wind changed...''

Lucian looked at me before turning to the rope and started to climb down. When he had reached the bottom, I follow. I started to run out of the tent and saw Sammy. ''Sammy!'' he looked over at me, ''We need to get everyone to safety! There's a storm coming and a bad one!''
''Please telling me your kidding right?'' Sammy said, well knowing that I was never kidding about stuff like this.

I shook my head, ''no...'' Sammy started swearing and cussing.
''Well, fuck! I don't think that our tents are going to hold! I think we need to get a hold of dad and their alpha... Can you take the kids to a more safer place and mind-link me when you're at a more safe place, okay?'' I nodded as we started to run in two different directions.

It didn't take long to get all pups and the females from the children tent to trees as the wind got stronger. 'Sammy! We got to safety by trees near their pack house...' I told him through the mind-link. '
Good, their alpha said that we can stay inside their pack house till the storm goes away...' Sammy said.
''Come on...'' I said as we started to walk towards the entrance.

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