Walking to the cave

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Peeta : "ow ow"

Katniss:"stop owing !"

Peeta :"I'm trying but it hurts"

Katniss :" shut up "

Peeta:" no I can't it hurts "

Katniss:" shut It"

Peeta:"no it's painful"

Katniss:"Peeta we are in the arnea so be quite "

Gale:"yer Peeta bread be quite"

Katniss:"gale you to !"

Peeta:"get told !"

Katniss:"both of you !"

Prim:"go katniss !!"

------------------------------authors note-----------------------

If you like the hunger games join the writer games it's really fun just go on this @KatyHoranxx and then click on the first Writer games and read on from there !:)

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