The train

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Peeta : "I walk out the bakery this is what I see-"

Katniss : " err Peeta "

Peeta : " katniss Everdeen is looking at me "

Katniss put her head in her hands. Haymitch came in. 

Haymitch: "I think I'll going fishing in my room !" And he walked out

Peeta "was it something I sang ..... I'll go get him"

A while later

Heymicht : " look at you you killed a place mat !"

place mat :" I have a wife, and kids!" 

Katniss : "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry I'll look after them ! "

Placemats family: " Noooooooo !"

Peeta " haha you killed a placemat !"

Hunger game spoof......:)(watty Awards 2012 )Where stories live. Discover now