"You're a little bit on the crazy side aren't you," Mason questions.

"Yup. And you're stuck with me now," I laugh manically.

We find a place to set up and Mason sets his blanket down. We leave all of our stuff and head off in the direction of the mountain trail.

"I'm not sure if thongs were the best footwear attire," I say as we begin walking up.

"We'll be alright," he says seeming to have no struggle in climbing the hill.

We talk as we walk up and I do my best to keep my breathing even so Mason can't tell just how unfit I am. It is all worth it once you get up to the top however because the view is absolutely breath taking. You can see the waterfall which is running into the dam bellow. We take a seat and just enjoy the view for a while.

W eventually decide that it is time to start heading back down so we make our way back to our stuff.

"Fancy a swim?" Mason questions.

"I thought you'd never ask," I laugh jokingly.

I take my shirt and shorts off and Mason takes off his shirt and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. We walk to the damn together and Mason holds my hand as we walk in.

"It's so lovely in here," I say peacefully.

"It really is," he responds back.

I start to float on my back and Mason follows my lead, it really is so peaceful here. I sit up and look over at him. His eyes are closed and the sun is making the water glisten on his body. It seems almost wrong to disturb the moment but I do it none the less as I tackle him and dunk him underwater. This leads us into a massive water fight which leaves us in a fit of laughter. Come on, it is physically impossible to have a date where you are in water and not have at least one water fight. I'm pretty certain it is the law. Maybe not the actual law but it is like an unspoken rule and I have always been a rule follower so don't hate the player, hate the game.

Mason and I swim closer together and he picks me up with me wrapping my legs around his waist.

"You're beautiful," he whispers, not breaking eye contact for even a second.

"Thank you," I whisper back sincerely and we lean in for a kiss. It starts of gentle but it becomes heated fast and it is definitely one of the most heated kisses we've had yet. We come apart for some air and just lean our heads together, our breaths mingling together as one. We end up swimming for a little bit longer but decide it is time to head on back but not before I suggest one last hand stand competition. I dive underneath the water and hold my breath as I steady myself.

Everything happened so fast, I didn't know what to do. I lifted an arm off of the ground to scratch my chest as something was annoying me there and I feel a piece of string so I pull it but this was the wrong decision because as it turns out, that wasn't just a bit of string. No, It was the bit of material that I tie at my neck to keep my swimsuit up which just happened to be tangled with the criss-cross pattern across my chest. I tug at it and it snaps the material from my chest and it unties from around my neck. I've lost my balance now so I come up for some air only to look down and see that I am fully exposed. Throwing my hands over my chest, I try to cover myself up so that no one will see me but I look directly across from me and see Mason standing there. I can see the slightest of a red tinge in his cheeks and I'm actually a bit thankful he is embarrassed by the situation as well.

"Close your eyes!" I yell at him and he turns around so fast I am surprised he didn't get whiplash.

I try to tie it back up but I see that it is completely broken and there is now way that I am going to be able to salvage it.

"Okay you can turn around but it's not fixed, okay," I say and he slowly turns to face me.

We stare at each other for a minute and then we just burst out laughing which is actually quite a site in itself as I am still standing there with the only thing covering my chest being my hands.

"If it is going to happen to anyone, it is going to happen to me," I grumble as we make our way back to our stuff so I can grab a shirt.

"There's never a dull moment with you Ava," he laughs and runs ahead to grab my shirt for me.

He runs back and hands me my shirt and towel. After drying myself I throw my shirt on and feel much better for it. Well I would have had I of not looked down and seen that my shirt is basically see through.

"Can I have the blanket please," I say to Mason and he laughs when he see's my hands are once again covering my chest.

He throws it to me and I wrap it around me so I am now finally, completely covered.

"So, did you want to call it a night or did you still want to go out?" he questions.

"No lets still go out, as long as we're not going into a restaurant because I don't think this would be appropriate," I laugh.

We hop back in his car and we stop at a drive thru to grab some food. We drive for another few minutes before we pull up to a drive-in cinema.

"I've never been to one of these before!" I yell, bouncing in my seat.

We settle in and I am over the moon when I see the movie is 10 Things I Hate About You. After we finish eating, Mason takes my hand and gives it a kiss and then intertwines them. The whole experience was so innocent. He didn't try anything and so we just sat there, enjoying the movie and enjoying being in each other's company.

We set off home after the movie and we stop in front of my house.

"Thank you for a perfect night," I smile as I look up at him.

"I don't know if I would call it perfect," he says as he gestures to my shirt.

I lean over and kiss him. Leaning back slightly, I whisper "perfect."

We both smile at each other and I grab my things out of the car, swapping them for his blanket. I make my way inside and change into some warm, dry clothes.

Lying in my bed, I stare at my ceiling for a while, just running through the events of today. I don't know why it hits me now but I sit up straight and put my face in my hands.

"I can't believe Mason saw my boobs," I say to myself.

Immediately I get a message and I look at my phone.

From: Mum

How did Mason see your boobs?

I jump out of bed and run to mum's bedroom, diving onto her bed and slipping under the covers.

"I seem to have a knack for embarrassing myself," I say to her.

"You must have gotten that from your father," she says sarcastically.

"Well I definitely wouldn't have gotten it from you," I joke back, "You are as perfect as they come."

"Damn right I am," she laughs. She sits up and lifts up an arm so I can cuddle into her. "So tell me all about it baby girl, what happened?"

And I tell her everything, reliving the embarrassing moments once again but I swoon at everything else. Mum laughs at me saying "only you could do it," and I can't even argue because it is true.

Eventually we get tired and we slide back down under the covers.

"Love you mum," I say.

"Love you too Ava baby," she replies.

And once again, even though there were embarrassing moments, I can't help but think to myself that this truly was the perfect night. I kiss mum on the cheek and roll over on my side. Just perfect.

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