"You know if this is true, you are a lot smarter than I once thought," Lizzy says sarcastically.

"Yeah whatever," I mumble, "What do you think that means though? What would I be trying to avoid?"

"I don't know. Maybe your subconscious is telling you that you were too critical with your dates and you should give one of them a second chance. My money is on the kid."

"You seriously want me to get arrested, don't you?"

"I just think it would add a bit of drama to my life."

"Yeah well I think you're going to have to rely on reality T.V. for your drama right now sorry."

"Who is 'M' anyway?" Lizzy says changing the subject.

"I don't know? Mum? Mr. Sexy? No, I've got it! It is obviously Mr. Teddy. My one true suitor."

"What about that waiter guy?"

"Who Mason?"

"Yes, Mason! It's so obvious."

"No it's not. Why would I have a dream about Mason?"

"You poor, delusional child."

"What are you going on about? What am I missing here?"

"You clearly have a thing for him. This is your subconscious telling you that you're avoiding accepting that you like him for some unknown reason and that it's about damn time that you come to terms with it."

"Ugh no," I scoff, leaving no room for argument.

"Ugh yes," she scoffs back.

"I have no feelings for Mason whatsoever so just get that out of your mind."

"He loves me, he loves me not. Oh, he loves me!" Lizzy mocks, being overly dramatic.

Tackling her to the ground, I hold my hand over her mouth until I hear her stop talking. She pushes me off of her and stands up.

"Fine. If you don't like him then you will have no problems with me setting you up with a date tonight," Lizzy says as a challenge.

"Yes, perfect. Please set me up on a date," I say, thankful she's finally had a good idea.

"I wasn't actually expecting you to say yes so I haven't got you a date for tonight..."

"Ugh Lizzy. Why did you have to get my hopes up like that?"

"Why don't you just have a look on your findyourliflonglover account?"

"I'll have a look but last time I check, my inbox was empty."

Minimising the current website I am on, I open an new browser and log onto my account.

"See, no hits," I say, 'I told you so' sitting right on the tip of my tongue.

"Well, why don't you just find one on there instead of waiting for someone to find you."

Taking her advice, we scan through a bunch of different guys.

"No. No. No. No. Maybe. No. No. Definitely no. This is hopeless," I say defeated.

"No, it's not you just give up too easy, here let me take a look," Lizzy says, swatting my hand away from my laptop so she can steal it.

"No. No. No. No. Ah ha. Here we go. This guy looks promising. He likes to cook, has been living the bachelor life for a while now and is ready to settle down with the real thing. I'm going to message him."

Avababy99: Hi! I just found your profile and I was wondering if you would like to meet up sometime?

Retiredbachelor: That would be great, just let me know when and where.

Avababy99: How about tonight? 6pm at Food for the People?

Retiredbachelor: Ah sorry, I can't do tonight.

Avababy99: Oh, no worries. Would tomorrow night work?

Retiredbachelor: I think I can squeeze you in then. See you there.

Avababy99: See you there.

"He thinks he can squeeze me in?" I say incredulously.

"Just give him a chance, okay? He might just be working or something. Give him the benefit of the doubt," Lizzy says as she gives me an 'I'm serious' look.

"Yes, okay. I will go in with a positive attitude, okay."

"Thank you."

That night, as I'm laying in bed, my mind wonders to my dream. Is it really about Mason? It can't be. I've never thought of him that way before. He's simply just my waiter.

My waiter who always has a ridiculous smirk on his face and seems to get me all riled up without having to try.

He is just my waiter who has now helped me up off of the floor twice.

My waiter who has been watching all of my dates unfold.

My waiter who looks so damn good in his uniform.

Wait, what now?

Clearly my thoughts just got carried away because I barely even look at Mason and I definitely haven't looked at him long enough to come to a conclusion of whether or not he looks good in his uniform.

But he really does. And that stupid smirk of his makes my heart race when I think about it. And the way he never breaks eye contact with me is so intriguing.

Oh no. This is bad. This is really, really bad.

I can't have a thing for Mason! Maybe it's just a little crush, it'll pass in a few days. Maybe I'll be over it by the morning?

Oh no. And I'm going on a date tomorrow and he is going to be there. What do I do? What do I do? I could cancel but that will just get Lizzy suspicious and I can not deal with her questions at the moment. I just need some time to figure this out for myself.

Maybe a date is the best thing for me at the moment. I can focus all of my attention on it and just completely block Mason out of my mind. Yes, that will work. This can work.

I try to close my eyes and go to sleep but thoughts keep invading my mind and I know sleep isn't going to come easily tonight.

Sitting up, I grab my laptop and google Mason.

After searching through multiple different Masons living in the area, I find my Mason. Ah, I mean Mason from Food for the People.

He is smiling in his profile picture, a real smile not one of his glorious smirks. I continue scrolling and click to find out more about him. He doesn't have much information available for the public eye and stalkers like me but I do see one thing that makes my heart drop.

In a relationship.

Scrolling down his page, I try to find out who he is with. Eventually I find the post where he changed his relationship status and I read all of the comments below it.

Max: About time.

Sherrie: My favourite couple.

Liam: Is a baby in the works?

Sherrie: You guys should do a couple's photo shoot.

Bailey: So who asked who?

Jack: Love you baby. My girlfriend wasn't so pleased about our relationship at first but through some convincing on my behalf, she finally came on board. Love you long time Masy boo xx

As I continue reading, it becomes obviously clear that this is a joke and I feel absolutely ridiculous for getting myself worked up over it.

Closing my laptop, I slide it under my bed before I snuggle back down and try my best to rid my thoughts of Mason.

Mental note, if you feel like doing some snooping, restrain yourself. It is so not worth it.

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