"So, what I do with the flowers?", Monica asked, still holding them in their hands.

"I'll take them", Phoebe smirked. "I could just sell them all over again and make some money!", she says really excited before leaving the coffee house with the roses.

"I'm selling the next present!", Rachel quickly said, earning a look from all her friends. "What? That was really smart. It's not like Alycia would keep future presents anyway".

"I don't want any future presents".

"That's what I said!", Rachel agreed with her.


"I need your help", Joey says the moment Chandler entered their apartment.

Chandler stands by the entrance, unsure of what to do. He looks confused as he walks towards his best friend, putting his briefcase on one of the couches.

"Do I really want to help you?", he asked, not convinced at all.

Joey sighs. "I'm serious. It's about Alycia".

"Oh, are we still having that conversation?", Chandler says with sarcasm. "I thought you were trying to get over her", he says, this time more serious.

"I am but turns out I can't!", he replied. "And now with this Sam dude being here again, I mean...what if they get back together and I lose my chance with her forever?".

"She's not gonna get back together with him", Chandler replied inmediately. He knows her very well to be sure about that.

"But what if she does?".

"She's not", Chandler insisted. "Look. Not like I want to bring this back but when I was in love with your girlfriend I went to ask Alycia for help and she kept repeating me that I had to tell you how I was feeling before things got worse", Chandler started. "Turns out I didn't listen and I ended up in a box".

"Your point?".

"I'm saying the only way for things to actually work with her is telling her how you feel", Chandler finally said. "Imagine if you end up just like me".

"Why would I end up in a box?", Joey asked, not following the story at all.

"Why do I try?", Chandler asked back, frustrated. "Whatever. My point is that if you never talk to her there's a chance this Sam guy could win her back and then you'll have to suffer watching her with another guy. Is that what you want?".

"No, of course not".

"Then get your shit together, go to her apartment and tell her you like her!".

"Oh my god, Chandler, you're right!".

"I always am!", Chandler smiles proudly of himself.


"This need to stop", Alycia says the second she opens the door.

There was Sam again. Luckily he wasn't carrying any flowers or other gifts. Alycia felt the urge to close the door, but decided to listen to him once again. For some reason she still wanted to hear whatever he wanted to say.

"Look. I made a mistake with you", Sam started. "I'm not here to say that I love you because that's not true and I don't want to lie to you anymore. I know at first it looked like I came here to get back together with you, but that wasn't my intention either".

Alycia shrugged. "Cool. I don't care".

"I know I was a total asshole and I don't deserve you to forgive me but I'm trully and deeply sorry about what I did. That's not me and I hope someday you can forgive me".

"I can forgive you", Alycia sighed. "We didn't date for so long anyway. And I think hating on someone is too much work".

"So, we're cool?".

"This doesn't mean in any way we're besties for life but yes, I guess we're cool".

Sam smiled and went up for a hug Alycia wasn't expecting and definately didn't want to receive. She stood there, waiting for the guy to move away. After he eventually did, Sam smiled at her one more time before walking down the hall, leaving her yet again regretting ever dating him. He was definately someone she wishes to never see again in her life.

That's when she noticed Joey walking over her door. Alycia gave him a smile, pretending the situation with Sam didn't just happen two seconds ago.

"Hi, Joey".

"Hi", he says awkwardly. "So, I saw you with Sam. Everything okay?".

"Yeah", Alycia simply said. "He said he was sorry for everything and just wanted us to be in good terms. I decided to forget him, he doesn't worth my hate. This doesn't mean in any way I could ever even consider being friends with that guy".

"Oh. I'm glad things are better now".

"Me too. Hopefully I could find a guy that does worth it someday", she says jockingly. "So, what are you doing here?".

"I just got back from the Central Perk. I just figured I would stop by to say hi".

"That's sweet!", she smiled up at him. "Well, I have to finish some stuff from work so I guess I'll see you later at Monica's for dinner".

"Sure", Joey faked a smile.

He saw Alycia closing the door behind her, leaving him alone in the hallway. Joey cursed himself for being such a coward (again) as he started to make his way to the stairs.

He thought about Chandler's words again. Maybe that was what make him turn around and burst into Alycia's apartment.

"I'll explain you later", he simply said.

The girl gave him a confused look as he walked up to her, kissing her right there in the living room. He knew he was gonna regret it later, but he just needed to do it. This time it was maybe better to just do it instead of thinking about it too much.

He was gladly surprised when he noticed Alycia kissing him back.

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