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It's been almost a week since the last you saw your boyfriend, Bucky. You guys were fighting about how overprotective Bucky is whenever you go on missions with the team, he would always make Steve let you stay out the mission or he'll simply lock you inside the room that you both shared.

Steve's voice interrupted your thoughts, "Hey." you stayed with Nat throughout the whole week and Steve visits you every now and then.

"Hey." you said as he sat down next to you on the couch.

"Still not talking?" you nodded. "He didn't do it on purpose, he just wants to protect you, that's all."

Just hearing that makes your blood boil, "I'm capable of protecting myself, Cap." you rolled your eyes.

"Look, I don't wanna make things worse but think of the times you almost got killed, if he wasn't there to save you, you wouldn't have been sitting here." he gave you a pat on the back, maybe he was right, you thought out loud. "Give him a chance." 

"That doesn't change the fact that he said he wanted to break up with me now is it." you huffed

"He didn't mea-" you cut him off. "HE SLAMMED HIS DOOR IN MY FUCKING FACE!" you feel tears making their way up to your eyes.

Steve froze for a while with a shocked face. "I didn't know that." he paused. "It doesn't explain why he's a total mess now that you're gone, the whole place is trashed, beer cans everywhere on the floor, his laundry all over the couch, he didn't come out of his hell hole for almost a week now." 

"What are you trying to say?"you took a deep breath before letting it out.

"He misses you, he's nothing without you. Just check on him if you can because I can't have him laying around anymore, more missions are coming up." Steve said before standing up and leaving Nat's floor.

It took you a while before gaining the courage to go back to the floor you and Bucky shared. The doors of the elevator opened, it was true, the whole place is trashed just like how Steve described. 

"Bucky?" you slowly made your way to your bedroom, you saw him passed out on your bed holding your hoodie. It hurts you to see him like this, you just let him sleep assuming he hasn't got enough sleep and you went to clean up the mess.

Just as you finished taking out the last bag of trash, the place was spotless. You flopped onto the couch, all tired.

"y/n?" you looked up, Bucky was standing in the hallway still holding onto your hoodie, he just stared at you with his sad eyes.

You stood up straightening your clothes, "You're up?" you slowly walk up to him, hoping that he doesn't snap at you again. "I thought you'd--" before you could finish, he pulled you into him arms.

"I'm sorry." he said with his hoarse voice. "Don't leave me please." he held onto you tighter after every word, a warm pool of tears forming on your shirt as he rested his face on your shoulder, now he's sobbing.

"hey, calm down now, I'm here and I'm not gonna go anywhere." you cooed while drawing circles on his back with your hand and running your finger through his brown locks with the other. 

"I'm sorry I slammed the door in your face too." 

"It's okay honey." you whispered.

"I love you y/n and I didn't mean it when I said I wanted to break up."

"I know, I love you too Bucky." both of you spent the whole day cuddling on the couch and talking things out until you both passed out on the couch together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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