Just admit it.

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"Mister Barnes." you greeted Bucky as you enter the living room in the tower and him walking out.

"Miss L/N." both of you still keeping your cold faces on.

You joined Natasha and Wanda on the couch while letting out a sigh as you plunged onto the couch.

"What the hell was that?" Nat said.

"What was what?" you asked.

"You and Bucky." Wanda paused. "You risked your life to bring him back here, and the way you're treat him right now is just so cold. What's wrong?"

You and Bucky were best friends back in the 40's along with Steve, when you found out that he was still alive after the whole defrosting thing, you told yourself that you were gonna bring him back even if it kills you. You didn't know why but the truth is, you were in love with your best friend, so was he.

"Just because I almost got killed bringing him back here doesn't mean there's anything going on between us, I just want to bring him back to Steve. That's all, nothing more." you said.

"You do know that I can read minds right?" Wanda said with her thick accent. "I know you love him and I know he loves you too, why don't you just give it a try?"

"Nice try Wanda, he doesn't love me okay, let's make that clear." you gave a smirk to Wanda.

"y/n, when he was sitting here, all he was thinking of was you. All the good memories back then, like when you--" you cut her off before she continued.

"OKAY STOP!" you shouted before letting out another sigh, it was pin drop silence in the living room. "Yeah, I love him so what? He's able to find a girl better than me anyways, after all, he was a ladies man back then, I doubt he changed after so long." you continued, crossing your arm as you laid back onto the couch. Tingling sensation forming at the back of your throat as a cry was about to burst but you held it back.

"You're wrong, doll." you looked over to the source of the voice, Bucky was standing at the hallway leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

You looked at both Wanda and Nat they had a nasty grin plastered across their faces. 

"I'm leaving." You said as you stood up from the couch and walked towards the hallway. As you walked past Bucky, you were pulled back and pinned to the wall by a strong metal arm.

"y/n--" he said as his bright blue orbs trying to find your e/c eyes. "You're wrong." he continued, he was so close that you felt his body heat radiating off his chest.

"Wrong about?" you said under your breath, loud enough for him to hear it.

"You're wrong about me able to find someone else better than you, I can't. You're prefect to me, you're all I've ever wanted in my life. Yes, I was a ladies man back then but that was only to get my mind off of you because I was gonna go off for war and I wanted to make you forget me so that when I die, you won't feel as sad. I'm sorry y/n. I love you." tears brimming in his eyes, glistening from the light coming through the windows.

"Bucky--" you said before feeling his lips on yours, so warm, so passionate, you didn't want this to end as you gave in and kissed him back.

"Just admit it." Bucky said on your lips. "I need to know, please."

"I love you Buckybear."

"I love you too doll."

Bucky Barnes ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now