To Arthur, she looked like she was made of glass. What in the world is she doing going all the way to St. Denis all by herself?

As if she could read his thoughts, she continued. "My father dropped me off here. He's sending me to St. Denis. I don't want to go, though. I wish I could just run."

"Then why don't you?"

She raised an eyebrow. "You really think that a woman all by herself is going to fare well in this country?"

"That's true," he agreed.

She went silent for a few moments. As she straightened her shirt, her eyes looked back up to him. "Jane O'Hare," she said, holding a hand out to him.

He took it her small hand in his rough one, and shook it. "Arthur Morgan."

As soon as he said it, he wanted to kick himself. You dumb bastard! I'm about to rob the damn train she's on, and I'm going and tell this random lady my full name.

She just kept on talking. "So, Arthur Morgan, what brings you to St. Denis? You don't look like a city man."

"Uh... business." He gave her a weak smile, but thankfully, Lenny came over.

"Got the tickets," Lenny said, holding up two slips.

Arthur shook his head. "Took you long enough." He turned to Jane, and gave her a nod. "Well, safe travels, Miss. I hope your situation works out."

She smiled as he turned away.

The walked to the far corner of the room. "Who was that?" Lenny asked.

"Just some lady. So, what's the plan?"

"We get on the train, wait till it's in the middle of no where, then rob the passengers. Simple."

Arthur rubbed his chin. "It surely is simple. Let's try not to kill anyone."

Around them, people began to leave the station, and board the train.

"I doubt that'll happen," Lenny said as the moved towards the doors.

After the got on the train, they surveyed the cart. It was pretty crowded.

"Let's split up," Lenny said in a low voice. "I'll sit up here, you find a seat back there. Wait for my cue, alright?"

"Whatever you say, kid," Arthur grumbled before moving to the back of the cart. The train bustled and moved underneath his feet, as if anxious for the events that were about to occur.

His eyes landed on the woman from the station. She sat alone, so he figured it was as good a seat as any.

"Hello, Miss Jane. Mind if I sit here?"

She looked up to him. Straightening her skirt, she moved over. "No, I don't mind... Arthur, was it?"

He nodded as he sat on the seat next to her. "I see you did get on the train after all."

"Unfortunately, yes," she said as she looked out the window.

The train lurched forwards, jostling the passengers slightly.

Up in the front, Lenny sat, facing forwards. The cart was alive with talk and excitement. Out of the corner of his eye, Arthur saw Jane hugging her bag close.

Arthur couldn't help but feel bad for her. "If you don't mind me asking, why don't you want to go to St. Denis?"

She sighed. "Multiple reasons. I'm going to be married."

This confused him even more. "Shouldn't you be excited for that?"

She gave him a weak smile. "I suppose so. But I've never met the man."

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now