I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.48

Start from the beginning

Jennifer:She was but I wasn't and never asked about it.

Sophia:And why is that? I thought you was always into the bible ever since we met in third grade.

Jennifer:That was just me mocking those preachers that I've been seeing on Tv or hear them on the radio.

Sophia:*sighs* First John chapter three and verse four.Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law.

Jennifer:How do you say that without even looking at the bible?

Sophia:I study the bible like I'm supposed to and what you're sup to be doing.


Sophia:And it's not religious,so I don't wanna hear it.Besides God never came up with religion anyways.

Jennifer:Huh? What do you mean?

Sophia:When you start reading the bible,you won't see it mention anything about Christianity.That's just something our ancestors slave masters came up with.I'll explain that to you later on when we get home.But first,I'll have to teach you how to understand the bible and study it.

Jennifer:*confused* I guess

Sophia:Okay,like for example,what do you think Jesus Christ looks like?

Jennifer:I don't know,white,silky brown hair,and brown eyes.

Sophia:That's strike one.What do you think God looks like?

Jennifer:I have no clue

Sophia:Adam and Eve?

Jennifer:I think they're Caucasian like Christ.

Sophia:Strike two and what about Moses?


Sophia:And strike three! Religion is out.

Jennifer:Why does it matter what they look like or not?

Sophia:Because the bible never lies but those pastors that teach Christianity are lying because they're the ones that's teaching us this stuff and use the false image of Christ.

Jennifer:Okay,then you tell me what do Adam and Eve looks like.

Sophia:In the bible it says that God created man in his image.So,in Genesis chapter two and verse seven it says "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Jennifer:Okay,your point?

Sophia:What color is the dust of the ground?


Sophia:Who was the first that God created on the earth?


Sophia:Okay,now you let that sink in and you tell me who's lying because like I said.The bible never lies.

Jennifer:Wow,so if Adam isn't Caucasian then that means Eve must be a colored person as well.

Sophia:Yes,because he put Adam in a deep sleep to create Eve and used his rib.You can't create a Caucasian woman out of a colored man and if he did it would be in the bible.

Jennifer:Yea,that's true,so why would they lie?

Sophia:To keep us from knowing the truth.They don't want us to know all the truth in the bible.

Jennifer:So,what does Christ looks like? This is very interesting.

Sophia:It's in Revelation,do you know what Revelation means according to the bible?


Sophia:It means an act of revealing.Something that is revealed by God to humans.So,in Revelation chapter one and verse fourteen it says "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire"

Jennifer:Like wool? So,that mean his hair is woolly like yours?

Sophia:Not just like mines but like other African Americans and it's white as snow.So,that means his hair isn't brown or a different texture and his eyes aren't brown either.Now,pay attention to this next verse.In the fifteenth verse it says
"And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace"

Jennifer:Isn't brass is like a goldish color?

Sophia:Yea,so what color does it turns to when you burn it?

Jennifer:Like a darker brown color.


Jennifer:So,he's not Caucasian like how people show him as?

Sophia:No! They're lying to us and still lying to us,Jennifer.And that's why I'm not into religion like how I used to be years ago.

Jacob:I'm sorry to interrupt your little bible study but the plane have landed and everyone is getting off *grabs their suitcases and leaves*

Sophia:Good,because my butt is really numb from sitting too long on this plane.

Jennifer:Mines too! But do you wanna finish this conversation in the car?

Sophia:Of course! This is coming from the bible.And the truth shall set you free,girl.

Jennifer:I know that's right *leaves with Sophia*

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