I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.35

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Author:Okay,I know for a fact that y'all been wondering why it takes me so damn long to update. Long story short....people always say that everybody won't be your friend because there's tons of fake people in this world.Well,to be honest,it's not just them it can be family,too.It's ashame that blood can cause you so much stress,and I do mean so much stress.So,I apologize for not updating anything for so long but I'm back,and I'm stronger than ever! And I will be working on the book,and we're heading into some major drama when the gang arrive in Jamaica.


Tina:*squeals* There's my girls! *runs to Sophia and Jennifer*

Sophia:Hey,momma *hugs her* it's so good to see you.

Tina:It's good to see you,too.It feels like I've been waiting forever!

Sophia:It's been six months,mom.

Tina:That still feels like forever to me.*looks at Jennifer* Hi,baby girl.

Jennifer:Hey second momma *hugs her* I missed you so much.

Tina:Awe,I missed you,too! You've grew up so much! And you're hair gotten longer.

Jennifer:It's all thanks to Sophia who helped me take care of it.

Sophia:And I promise you,when I tell you this.That girl had no clue how to use a hair straightener.

Tina:*gasp* No way! It's extremely easy!

Jennifer:Well,I know that now! Not only that,I kept getting burned.

Tina:Do you have the heat up too high?

Jennifer:No,Sophia already told me about that.

Tina:Do your fingers be too close to the metal parts?


Tina:Then that's why.You gotta be careful where you lay your fingers.

Sophia:And the scalp thing is just from the smoke.You don't actually be burning yourself.

Jennifer:Oh,now you tell me? Do you know how many times I hesitate to go near my edges and my scalp because I always think that I'll burn myself?

Sophia:No,but I apologize for it because I be enjoying your reactions when you do be thinking you be burning yourself.

Jennifer:Seriously?! That's hella messed up,Sophia.

Sophia:Oh,hush! You thought it was funny when that huge pit bull knocked me down,and started to hump on me until he spaz on me.

Jennifer:Now you have to admit,that was kinda funny.

Sophia:No,that was disgusting! It was all over my arm.

Tina:*fake gags* Okay,that's enough talking about that.

Gregory:*wraps arm around Tina* Yes,it's very gross,but the good news is that my girls are here.

Tina:With fresh new meat

Gregory:Ahhh,yes! Their *paused* boyfriends.

Sophia:Yes,yes,our boyfriends *grabs Jacob* Daddy,this is Jacob.

Jacob:It's a pleasure to meet you,sir *reach his hand out*

Gregory:*shakes Jacob's hand* My baby girl been talking to her mother about you a lot.It's good to know that there's actually decent men in this world.

Jacob:I know what you mean by that,sir.Most men wouldn't know how to value a special jewel like Sophia.

Gregory:Yea,Sophia and I learned that the hard way *looks at Malik* What's the DJ doing here early? And what are y'all doing with the DJ?

Malik:My name is Malik,sir *reach his hand out*

Gregory:*shakes his hand*

Malik:I actually know Sophia and Jennifer.

Jennifer:Not only that but I'm also in a relationship with him.

Gregory:Really? Hmm,and I thought that you was still with that taco guy.

Jennifer:Jose? Ewww! No,I broke up with him years ago.As you can see,I have upgraded from that.

Gregory:Yea,because this man right here knows how to DJ his butt off.

Malik:*surprised* You've seen my work?

Gregory:Yea,I remember seeing you perform in New York.That's what made me pick you.

Malik:*smiles* Thank you,sir

Gregory:Wait,so that means you're with Jennifer?


Gregory:*looks at Jennifer* I thought you were done with dating?

Jennifer:I was until I met this wonderful man right here. And hi to you,too.

Gregory:Right,hi my little angels

Sophia:A little bit too late,dad *giggles*


Tina:I see that y'all decided to bring Alice along with you.

Sophia:We didn't wanna leave her alone by herself while carrying a baby.

Jennifer:Plus,I offered to stay by her side until she haves the baby.

Tina:Great! The more people we have,the more fun we get.But you won't bring any drama on this vacation,right?

Alice:I'm three months pregnant,I don't need no drama.Plus,I'm a changed woman.

Tina:Okay,because I don't want no drama at my wedding,Alice.

Alice:Trust me,I won't.What can a three month pregnant lady do to cause drama anyways?

Tina:You'll be surprised,little girl,you'll be surprised.

Gregory:Anybody hungry?

Sophia:I know I am! I got a taste for Jamaican food.

Tina:Me too! Let's go eat,everybody.

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