I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.29

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{Jennifer cousin's house}

Jennifer:*sighs* Here Goes nothing *knocks on door*

???:Who is it?

Jennifer: It's Jennifer! Open up!

???:*opens door and squeals* Omg! You're actually here! *hugs Jennifer*

Jennifer:*awkwardly hugs back* It's great to see you too,Alica

Alica:I thought you wouldn't come.I was getting really lonely.

Jennifer:You're pregnant and you need someone around you to help you.

Alica:That's very thoughtful of you,girl.To be honest,I thought you still hated me.

Jennifer:No,a very good friend taught me how to forgive a forget

Alice:Speaking of Sophia,where is she? She didn't want to come?.

Jennifer:I didn't know that you would still remember her.And no,I didn't ask her if she wanted to come.

Alice:Why not? The three of us would be having a ball.

Jennifer:Yea,but right now I'm having a heat flash.Let me in your house,women.

Alice:Oh,right *giggles* my bad,I forgot.

Alice moves from the front door and placed her hand on her hip.Jennifer smiles and walks inside of Alice's house as she drops her jaw in awe from the beautiful view of the inside of Alice's house.Beautiful white cream couches matching with a medium sized coffee table,a large screen TV rests on her living room wall for her and her guest to see on a movie night.On her left she noticed the walls had beautiful paintings and pictures of Alice by herself looking happy but with a hint of loneliness expression on her face.On her right Jennifer saw a marble bookshelf that's filled with tons of books sitting in order from A to Z along with beautiful roses in many different colors,sitting in a black and midnight blue marble vase.

Jennifer:*shocked* Wow

Alice:Do you like what you see?

Jennifer:*nods* You have a beautiful living room set.

Alice:Thank you,thank you *smiles* Wait until you see your guess room.

Jennifer:Can I see it now?

Alice:In a moment but for now,I wanna catch up on some things with my favorite cousin.

Jennifer:I'm your favorite cousin?

Alice:Of course you are! You're the only cousin who actually came to see me.


Alice:I know,right *holds back tears* But it's whatever,I guess.

Jennifer:Well,I'm here now,so you don't have to feel alone or lonely anymore.

Alice:Okay,but before we catch up with anything,I want to apologize for what I did.

Jennifer:*confused* What did you do?

Alice:For what I did in the past.Everything I did in a few years back,I want to apologize.

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