I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.6

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Sophia:So,what made you want to apologize to me?

Jacob:Well,for one I learned that a man shouldn't be talking to a female like that.And two,I felt really bad

Sophia:Oh,well it's better than the other guys reasons

Jacob:*raised his eyebrow*

Sophia:*sighs* What I mean is every other guy reason for treating me how they treated me was for a sexual reason

Jacob:Wow,are you serious?

Sophia:*nods* Every time I decline their sexual request,they make fun of my size but it's not bothering me

Jacob:Wow,if I was there when that happened I would have kicked somebody's ass

Sophia: You would really do that? Even though you don't know me?

Jacob:Yea,it's called respect.I was raised by a house full of females.My mom and my three older sisters

Sophia:Hmm,funny because what you said back at your job wasn't respect.I bet if your mom and sisters founded out they would have kicked your ass

Jacob:Trust me,they would have done way worse than that or maybe after that

Sophia:Really? Like what?

Jacob:Well,they throw my things out the house,lock me out and change the house locks,so I don't get in


Jacob:Oh and they turn the sprinklers on,too so my stuff gets really soaked

Sophia:Damn,they do not play *laughs* and you would have deserve it

Jacob:Yea,I can't argue with that

Sophia:My mom is in Jamaica and I'm the oldest sister

Jacob:How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Sophia:Just one and she's living with my mom

Jacob:Do you have a father?

Sophia:Yea,he's in Jamaica with my mom and younger sister.They're getting remarried in a few months

Jacob:Oh,that's cool and sounds like a great idea to have an wedding at

Sophia:Yea,it is *smiles*

Jacob:*smiles back*

Sophia:What about you? Do you have a father?

Jacob:Sadly no,my father left my mother for a druggie ten years ago

Sophia:Wow,I'm sorry to hear that

Jacob:It's cool,she died in a car accident while she was snorting up cocaine in the passenger seat

Sophia:Oh,my lord! Is your father okay?

Jacob:My father wasn't with her when that happened

Sophia:So,he's okay but the druggie is dead?


Sophia:Did you like her?

Jacob:Ehh not really but I never disrespected her even though I never had any respect for her

Sophia:Hmm,makes sense

Jacob:I guess *slaps on table* Can we have some drinks over here?

The waiter nods and hold his finger up as he continues to write down the other person's order

Jacob:Do you want something to drink or you good?

Sophia:I guess there's nothing wrong with having one glass of mixed Vodka

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