Writer's block 😭

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Okay,I know I haven't been making new updates on the book lately... Probably for days and that's because I'm dealing with a writer's block.I'm trying my best to make new updates on the book,I have many ideas for the next two/three chapters it's just that I'm dealing with writer's block,I can't figure out how to start it.Hopefully today it'll come to me because I had these ideas in my head for days now,I just wish I could find the way how to start the chapter.But I also apologize for not updating,if I didn't had this freaking writer's block moment I would have up to four chapters done already.So,I pray and hope that I get the chance to figure out how to start these chapters,if not I'm gonna go crazy lol because this never happened to me before when I'm working on a book only when I'm writing a song.

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