I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.48

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Sophia's POV

Leaving Jamacia is sad because we never got the chance to spend that much time to go around and have some fun.Not only that but now we gotta find another location for my parents to have their wedding since we had to leave.No,I'm not blaming Jennifer that we had to leave and now having to make new plans for the wedding.I would be upset as well if some random chick was all up on Jacob.We don't play when it comes to our men,period! And if the chick can't handle the claws then she shouldn't have walked into the den and messed with something that belongs to a lioness.I don't believe fighting is the key but at least now she learned her leason to never mess with a woman's man or there will be some problems.I just hope that as soon we get back home we'll at least have an idea of what we're going to do for my parents wedding.But if not then I guess we'll have to do it the Vegas way,call it a day and let my mom and dad do whatever after that.

Jennifer:I can't believe that I let that stripper get to me like that to ruin our vacation and your parent's plan for their wedding.

Sophia:Awe,don't beat yourself up for that situation because I would do the same thing.


Sophia:No,but I would defend something that's mine.

Jennifer:Yea,I don't know why I didn't leave it alone after talking to Malik about it.It's just that when I saw her,everything just went red.Like I just had to attack her.

Sophia:Trust me,I used to be like that,too.But as I got older I trained myself not to let people or situations get to me like that.

Jennifer:And how did you do that? It sounds easy but it's not.

Sophia:Well,sometimes I walk away from that situation--

Jennifer:Which we both know that I'm not good at doing that.

Sophia:Listen to music and think about positive things.Can you do that?

Jennifer:I don't know I never tried that before.

Sophia:Okay,you should try that and read the bible for once.Because that helps getting rid of anger as well.

Jennifer:You know that I'm not into religion like that.

Sophia:Who said reading the bible is religion? It's just reading God's words.

Jennifer:To be honest,Sophia,I don't know if I'm on his good side or not.

Sophia:What makes you think that,Jennifer?

Jennifer:Because the stuff I've done and been doing.I don't know if he loves me still because of it.

Sophia:God will always love his people.All you gotta do is to repent and never do those things that you've done.

Jennifer:How do I repent? I need to know because I really need to feel loved by him.

Sophia:Turn away from your sins and change.Do you even know what's sin according to the bible?

Jennifer:*wines* No,can you please teach me?

Sophia:Wow,I thought your mother was into the bible.

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