Astrilde shook her head, using her bike to follow her friend. Which was pretty simple, considering the helicopter that was chasing after them. She pursued for what felt like ages, until Barnes had blown up half the roof of an underground road, and she had to ditch the bike to get past it.

  "Well, shit," She muttered when she was done coughing from the dust the broken pieces of concrete had caused. They were surrounded, and now she was part of Cap's little brigade. Rhodey was even there, all of the guns from his suit pointed at Steve, Barnes, and even one at herself.

  "Stand down, now," Rhodes said. Astrilde groaned, brushing a hand through her now unkempt hair. "Congratulations, Cap, Astrilde. You're both criminals." She didn't even put up her hands, resulting in a worse treatment than Steve and Sam. The cuffs around her wrists didn't even bother her though, because they were easily broken when she wanted them to be.

  However, she was shocked into complying when the man wearing the black, cat-like suit took off the helmet, revealing the new King of Wakanda T'Challa. Lady Luck was not on her side today.


  To round off her day, Astrilde and her comrades were loaded into a heavily armored vehicle and shipped off to Berlin. Unbeknownst to everyone but herself, the cuffs around her wrists were broken, and only an illusion remained. It was difficult concealing things like her attire and the lack of cuffs, but she wasn't going to have her Asgardian clothing shipped away like Steve's shield or Sam's wings. Unlike their items, hers didn't belong to the American government.

  "So you like cats?" Sam's voice broke through the tension. Astrilde couldn't help but snort at his humor. A soft smile graced her lips.

  "Sam," Steve warned.

  "What? Dude shows up dressed like a cat, and you don't wanna know more?"

  "I believe it is a panther, Sam," Astrilde informed her friend. She knew more, she had studied Midgard quite hard, for hundreds of years, but she didn't want to disclose anything the King did not want disclosed. It was not her place, just like it wasn't her place to tell the Avengers of just how dangerous the infinity stone in Vision's head truly was. Some things were better to be left alone.

  "Your suit... it's vibranium?" Steve asked T'Challa, ignoring the two behind him.

  "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations." Not an answer, but okay. "A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you, as both warrior and king, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"

  They sat in silence for the rest of the ride, and when they came to a stop, the glamor around Astrilde's wrists went away. She stretched her arms above her head, smirking at the confused expression on Sam's face.

  "I thought they put cuffs on you?" He asked, bewildered.

  "They thought so too." She then stepped out of the vehicle, following Steve.

  "What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asked, his question geared toward a shorter man and Sharon herself.

  "Same thing that ought to happen to you," The man responded. "Psychological evaluation and extradition."

  "This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander," Sharon spoke, looking at the short man, Everett Ross. Astrilde frowned, this man, Everett, had the same last name as the Secretary of Defense.

  "What about a lawyer?" Steve asked.

  "Lawyer. That's funny," Everett chuckled. "See their weapons are placed in lockup. We'll write you a receipt."

  "I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that," Sam threatened as they followed the Commander.

  They walked for a few minutes before Everett spoke again. "You'll be provided with an office, instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?"

  "I don't intend on going anywhere," T'Challa responded smoothly. Astrilde was about to speak before the familiar voice of Natasha reached her ears.

  "For the record, this is what making things worse looks like," Natasha was mostly gearing her words toward Steve, but she glanced at Astrilde for a moment.

  "He's alive," Steve said simply, not even glancing at the Black Widow. Astrilde's pace started to slow, which Natasha noticed. The red-head waved off the guards, who looked hesitant but eventually walked past them.

  "This way," Natasha said, and she guided Astrilde past everyone, even Tony. Nat made a quip at Steve and Sam about the shield and wings respectively, before she led Astrilde to a back room void of people.

  "What happened?" Natasha finally asked, sitting down on a sofa. It was obviously a breakroom of some sort, judging by the kitchenette and tables. Astrilde groaned, easing onto the couch. She lifted the glamor, her Asgardian armor appearing in place of her leather jacket, shorts, and t-shirt. Natasha's eyebrows raised at Astrilde's armor, but she didn't say anything.

  "I did not have anywhere to go, Nat."

  "So you became a criminal?"

  "I did not engage. I simply watched to make sure they did not get themselves killed," Astrilde muttered, wrapping her arms over her stomach. Natasha sighed, rubbing Astrilde's arm in comfort.

  "She's okay." At that, Astrilde lifted her eyes, looking into Natasha's own.

  "But?" Astrilde asked hesitantly. She could see Natasha's own hesitation, which just made the goddess nervous.

  "Tony's keeping her on the compound for right now. Vision's watching over her." Astrilde shook off Nat's hand, trying to dispel the anger that had suddenly came over her. Her friend watched her closely, like a true assassin.

  "That's-" The lights flickered off.

  "Miss Romanoff. We have a serious problem," A man ran into the room, panting. Natasha and Astrilde stood.

  "What is it?" Nat asked.

  "Barnes broke out."

  "Shit. Come on, Astrilde." Astrilde nodded, and the two raced out to deal with the problem.


Avengers Headquarters; With Wanda's POV

  Vision had stopped Wanda from leaving the compound. A rational part of herself said it was for the best, but his words still hurt her. He thought she would harm more people if she was let out for a moment. It disgusted her. She hated her powers more in that moment than any other.

  That's why she had the news on, hoping to see a glimpse of Astrilde. Vision had been cryptic as to where the Asgardian was, but Wanda knew that Astrilde had refused to sign the accords. So, she was either with Steve or on Asgard. Wanda hoped it was the former, otherwise she would break out of the compound and find a way to get Astrilde back.

  "Earlier today, Captain America, The Falcon, and the Goddess of Love were apprehended today, following a car chase that lasted a few miles. Tony Stark made a public statement today after the arrest, stating that since the three violated the newly formed Sokovia Accords, they would be 'dealt with accordingly'. More on that to come," The news anchor reported. Wanda could feel the blood drain from her face.

  She shut off the TV, staring at the guitar that sat near her bed. Astrilde had been arrested. Wanda laughed sadly, only Astrilde could get arrested that quickly. I just hope she stays safe. I don't know what I would do in a future without her.


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