Chapter 21 // Overslept

Start from the beginning


I whipped up sandwiches for our late lunch. We sat in the dining room to eat. "So can I ask you something?"

"Depends." I said, putting my sandwich down.

"Alright so, why does Michael call you 'smartie'?" I groaned. "Come on, Gray please?"

"Why don't you ask Michael?" I scoffed.

"He won't tell me." Luke said.

"Alright well, I've been in this town for like 4 maybe 5 years now. When I first started school, I had braces and glasses. I had glasses worse than these. So anyway, I went to school and started talking to the teachers. So I guess I was a 'teacher's pet'. In my freshman year I had like 3 classes with Michael, continuously. Like I think I had history, maths, and literature with him. It sucked because he would get a bad grade and then bash on me about it since I got a higher grade than him. He would push me around and yell 'smartie' at me. He eventually stopped after you came." I looked down at my fingers.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"Well I don't blame Michael not telling you. He probably really wanted you to be his friend." I barely whispered.

"Oh, you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"I was friends with Michael and Calum since I was in year 6. I moved when I was about to start high school."


"Yeah." I took a bite of my sandwich as he took a sip of his drink.

"I think we should start studying again." I said after we finished our sandwiches. Luke nodded in agreement.


"4 out of 20. You're getting there." I told him. I checked the time on my phone. I saw that I had 3 missed calls from Ashton, 5 missed calls from Violet and 20 text messages from the both of them. I called Violet back and on the first ring she answered. "Dani! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah why?"

"You weren't answering our calls."

"Why did you guys call me anyway?"

"We wanted to invite you to bowling with us."

"To third wheel?"

"What? No!"
"Anyway, I have plans."


"Yeah, I'm hanging out with someone." I looked over at Luke. He was watching me intently. When we made eye contact, he smiled at me.


"Yeah. I'll call you later. Have fun on your bowling date." I hung up and laughed at what just happened. Luke started laughing along with me. "I heard her say 'someone?!'. Her reaction was great." Luke said. "Anyway it's getting late, I should go home."

"You don't have to." I blurted out. He smirked at me. "I mean you could stay. My mom isn't coming home until later and I think she would love to see you. Sammy wanted to see you also."

"Alright, I'll stay."
"My brother recently got a new game for his PlayStation. You want to play?"

Luke's mouth turned into a smile. "Sure."


"I win! Once again!" Luke stood up and danced a little victory dance.

"I'll beat you next game." I said.

"Wanna bet?"

"It's so on."

"If I win next game, you have to do anything I say!"

"Ew no!"

"Why'd you say ew?"

"You'll probably make me do sexual things." I pointed out.

"Thanks for the idea, Gray." Luke winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Think of something else."

"If I win, you have to go out to lunch with me again."

"With Johanna?" I asked, without meaning too.

"No." My head shot up and looked up at him. "Just us."

"Alright. And if I win the next game, you have to run down the street naked."

"Damn Gray. You don't have to make a bet with me to see me naked." He winked.

"Never mind I change it. If I win, you have to wear a tutu to school."

"Deal." He stuck out his hand and I shook it.


"Damn it!" Luke yelled.

"HA! I win! You lose! Now you have to go to school with a tutu!!" I laughed. He pouted. "Aw the poor baby lost to a girl."

"I'm older and taller than you."

I smiled at is response. "Alright, alright. But, you still have to wear the tutu."


Luke in a tutu is the cutest thing ever amirite ladies?

Smart // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now