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Logie: Patton, what do you want to do tonight after I get home?

Patt: movie and cuddles

Logie: Good enough for me, I'll rent a movie and pick up something for dinner.

Logie: I'll see you when I get home, dear.

Patt: okie bye logie!! mwah!!!

Logie: Mwah to you too Patton, I love you.

Patt: i love you too!!!

Logie: I may have an extra gift for you tonight as well.

Patt: tell me what it is!!!

Logie: Nope, it's a surprise. Be home in a few hours dear.

Hello!!! Welcome to the second book and sorry for the tooth rotting fluff. But some important things
1. Prinxiety will be in this book
2 . This takes place 2 years after the last book, not much has happened these two have just been love birds
3. Dee may or may not have a redemption arc idk yet

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