"Yeah... it's fine I can" I start

"No, no, no, I'm in charge you get going he tells me before ushering me up the stairs,

"Don't forget to use the nice bath salts" he calls and I shake my head pulling them out of the cabinet they were a present from his mum and dad


Graysons P.O.V

"Okay guys mummy isn't feeling well so if you want something ask daddy okay," I say to the girls, and they nod

"Okay daddy," they say, while they finish eating I change Lola's diaper and change her into the clothes that I brought down when the girls finish eating I put their dishes in the dishwasher.

I set them down on the couch turning on the tv, while I sneak up the stairs to get them clothes and things for their hair, I each pick out black leggings and a black t-shirt, I then walk into the cupboard and get them out a light cardigan- also some sneakers, in two different colors,

I then grab the girls hairbrush and some hair ties, after I help them get dressed which both of them are doing very good at now, I try my best to do their hair, I put them both in two ponytails and when they look at me they are a bit lopsided- well really lopsided, and very uneven, but for the most part they look okay.

I've had to watch Avery every day, and I have sort of picked up how to do their hair and their outfits I just picked out what I would wear.

Next step was actually getting outside of the house, which was proven to be very difficult. I pack the baby bag and put Lola in her car seat before taking the two girls, helping them into the car, I strap Ava in before Lola starts to wail, which I panic

"Sass can you give Lolly the binky" Yes I said Lolly, that's what the girls call her

"Lolly all better now," she says

"thank you," I say strapping her in

"Where are we going?" Saskia then asks as I turn the car on

"To get mummy some things she sick" I say and in that given moment Ava realizes that she doesn't have her baby and starts to throw a tantrum, so I quickly run inside getting her baby, before getting in the drivers seat, putting the car in drive, we arrive at the grocery store 10 minutes later,

I park the car and get a big trolley out, I put Lola's car seat in the main area, then putting both of the girls into the seat spaces, but not before I disinfect the whole thing, no way am I putting my kids at risk of getting sick.

I strap them up, and realise I have left the reusable bags on the counter, then shutting the boot and locking the car.

"You ready girls," I tell them and they nod starting to babble to each other about nothing

"Daddy, when do we see Jamie, she plays barbie with us," Saskia asks with her broken english.

"I don't know Sass," I say

"Okay, do we need monkeys?" I asked walking to the 'back' of the store so I can get to the feminine section

"No daddy"

"What about a teddy bear?" I ask

"Yes daddy, teddy bear," they say and they start chanting teddy bear

"Okay how about you get to pick out a small teddy bear and we pick one out for mummy," I say

"Yess" they squeal

"Which one Ava?" I ask and she picks the pink one, whilst Saskia picks the purple on- they are small sized colored teddy bears

"What about Lolly," Ava asks

"Yeah we should get Lola one," I say

"The bue one," Saskia says pointing to the blue teddy bear

"Do you think she will like the blue teddy bear?" I ask and they nod.

"Now which one for mummy," I say and we decided to get a bigger sized teddy in a standard brown beige color.

Next step was to finally get the lady isle instead of getting sidetrack buying teddy bears, we walk into the aisle and there is a lot to choose from so who do I call Belinda Matthews.

"Hello" she answers

"Hi Billie," I say

"Grayson, is everything okay?" she asks

"yeah it is Avery's time of the month and I need to know what to er get her"

After Billie telling me what to get we make our way over to the sweets section and pick out a bunch of chocolate, and let the girls help me pick out some lollies.

Checkout wasn't very eventful the girls just babbled talking about woody and buzz, their new obsession still being Toy Story. I then made an appointment at the nail salon for tomorrow.

When we got back home I brought everything inside and got the girls situated, then checking on Avery who was asleep in some shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

I pull the cover over her and walked back down the stairs, turning on the little mermaid, for them to watch, halfway through the movie they fall asleep, which is good since it was past their nap time, after I transferred them to their bedrooms, I picked Lola up, and heated her a bottle

"Its just you and me now baby girl," I tell her and she coos at me.

I'm trying. I really am.



this story will contain:

---- Swearing (which may cause offense)

---- Sexual content (in dialogue ya nasties)

----Moments that you will either laugh or scream


2019 @ehardwick04

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