"It's not so bad! You'll get to focus on something you're interested in. It's very different from high school. Plus you make some of your best memories in college. Like one time I got so high at a party and ended up almost get caught by the police but my friends and I snuck in some strangers house and hid in their garage over night" she babbles on and laughs. "Hmm so you were wild back in college." "I'd say I'm still pretty wild" Riley smirks.

We pull into my neighborhood and Riley pulls into my driveway. "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you at school tomorrow" I start to open the door but feel Riley grab my wrist. "Wait, could I give you my number?" She looks almost as if she was scared to ask me that. "I'm definitely not going to say no to that...so yes" I smile and pull my phone out from my pocket. I put my passcode in, pull up my contacts, and let her create her contact.

"Don't tell anyone you have my number." "Damn, i was really hoping I could go around and brag about having the iconic Mrs. Moore's number" I say sarcastically. "Haha see ya" she says in reply as I hope then door and grab my book bag. "Bye" I smile and shut the door, quickly walking up to my front door so the rain doesn't get me too wet.

Riley's POV

I smile to myself as I pull out of Lexi's driveway. The rain gave me the perfect opportunity to ask Lexi if she wanted a ride, and I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I can't believe how obsessed I am with her and I barley even know her. Okay maybe obsessed isn't the word to use but I can't get her off my mind and I just wish I could spend actual time with her and get to know her. Ugh I feel like I'm having some high school crush.

*Night time*

I brush my wet hair after throwing an oversized t-shirt. My phone beeps, instantly grabbing my attention. Hey it's Lexi :) the text says making a smile appear across my face. I add her as a contact before replying to her so I don't forget that this is her number. I reply back saying hey! and shut my phone off and continue to untangle my hair.

Lexi: Thanks again for dropping me off at home

Riley: No problem! Do you walk to school in the morning too?

Lexi: Unfortunately yes :(

Riley: ....What if I could give you a ride to school every morning?

Lexi: Omg really?! I would love that!

Riley: Of course :) we're going to the same place anyways!

"Who you talking to babe" Jason gets in bed beside me and pulls me close to him. "No one" I say and set my phone down on my night stand. His thumb rubs up and down, slowly on my thigh. He leans in for a kiss and I kiss him back, but then he starts going down my face and to my neck. My phone beeps again, letting me know it's probably Lexi. I try to reach for it but Jason grabs my arm and pins it down.

"Oh c'mon Ri, get off the phone for once. It's been a while since we've had us time" he looks me in the eyes. It's been a while because I try to avoid us time! "I'm really tired Jason. We can do it another night" I cup his face. "That's what you always say" he says in a annoyed tone. He lets go of me and faces his towards me. "Goodnight" he sighs. "Goodnight....and please don't be mad" I turn my bed side lamp off and lay my head on my pillow.

Lexi's POV

I wake up to my alarm blaring as I do ever morning, but this morning won't be so bad! Riley is going to give me a ride to school today so my morning will start off just right. I'm honestly surprised she offered to drive me, isn't she nervous about getting caught by someone? Either way, I'm not complaining because I'd love to spend more time with her.

Riley: I'll be over in 15 minuets!

I read my text from Riley and quickly put my clothes on and pull my hair up into a pony tail. After looking in the mirror to make sure I look presentable I run downstairs and sit at the kitchen table. "Good morning sweetie" My grandma says as she pours herself a cup of coffee. "Good morning" I reply as my grandfather walks in. "Morning Lexi" he smiles. He's always got a smile planted on his face.

Riley: Here

A smile takes over my face instantly. "Bye, see you later" I wave to my grandparents from the front door. "Have a good day at school" my grandfather says as I shut the front door. I walk over to the passenger side of Riley's black Lexus SUV and hop in. "Good morning" I smile to her. "Good morning, you look all smiley today. Are you a morning person?" "No" I laugh and she gets the hint that I'm actually happy about seeing her.

She looks in the second row of her car as if she's searching for something. "Shi- crap. I think I left your guys assignments at home. What time is it?" She looks at the clock seeing that we still have 40 minutes till school actually starts. "We got time to go by your house" I say. "Yeah it will only take a second anyways. I probably just left them on my kitchen counter."

As Riley drives back to her house I examine what she's wearing. She's wearing some black pants, a dark purple blouse that's burton down a little too low to be appropriate for school but I'm not complaining, and a black jacket. "Are you staring at me" she laughs. My face turns red from embarrassment "sorry...you just look gorgeous today." "Oh so I don't look gorgeous every other day" she jokes as we pull up to her house. "Be right back" she says as she gets out the car.

Her house looks so nice from the outside. It looks way better than mine and way more expensive than mine. She must have some money, but I don't know how cause teachers don't make a lot. She comes back out holding up a folder, letting me know those are the assignments. She opens the car door back up and gets in. "Yup they were on my counter." She drives off from her house and we make way to school. "I like your house, well from what I saw it looks nice." "Yeah it's pretty nice."


Hey! Kind of a filler chapter but a new chapter is coming very soon! Maybe tomorrow? Can't wait to write it! Also leave any recommendations you have or suggestions! Also sorry for any spelling errors!

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