Chpater 1: Adopted

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i woke up and stretched. i put my long golden brown locks into two buns and put a snapback on. then, i put on my favorite pair of ripped skinny jeans and a random band t shirt, followed by my favorite flannel. my abusive step mom came in, clutching a bottle of vodka. "i'm selling you to afford more heroin." andrew rannells walked through the door. andrew eanells was a 6"2' man who was kind of tan but not really, clearly gay, and had floofy brown hair. he was muscular and looked like a grass fed mormon boy. andrew took my bags for me and threw them in the car. "get in loser." i got in the back seat and a dashing man with a shiny bald head was in the passenger seat: catholic borle. "whats youe name?" christian blinked his ocean blue orbs and asked me. "mackaelynn" i said softly. "mackaelynn, (pronounced muck- aye (as in hey)- lin"ugor  a big stoem coming"

Adopted And Bullied by Andrew RannellsWhere stories live. Discover now