The End

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It's finally the night of the dance and I've been getting harassed by a bunch of guys to go with them. I keep telling them I have Draven. Draven has been really good to me. He respects me, loves me, surprises me, and I can only do the same to him. Brooke and I get ready at my house. I get in my sparkly dress, and Brooke helps me with my makeup. We head to the dance. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. Draven puts his hand on my lower back.

"It'll be ok angel. I'll protect you if something happens." Draven says. I lean into him.

"Thank you Draven." We walk inside, and Brooke instantly gets hit on by other girls. She wanted this to happen, I know because she starts playing along, flirting back. Draven gets us some drinks.

"Here you are my lady."

"Well someone's being quite the gentleman." I take the drink and take a sip. I keep seeing Brooke glaring at Draven out of the corner of my eye. As the night continues, some girls start hitting on Draven, and guys start hitting on me.

"Say... why don't you ditch the freak. I'll show you a good time." a random guy says to me. His breath reeks of alcohol. Needless to say Draven punches him in the face.

"Mine. Back off!" Now he's getting possessive. He keeps his hand around my waist. The music starts to slow down and the lights start to dim. Draven takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the dance floor.

"Draven, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Come on, let's dance. You're not going to humiliate me now are you?" Draven asks. I know he's being a bit manipulative, but I still give in and dance with him.

"I SHIP IT!!!" Brooke shouts. Draven and I start laughing. Draven relaxes to the point he reveals the fact he's a demon. Everyone's eyes widen. I reveal the fact I'm an angel. An angel and a demon, who knew that they would make a cute couple? We continue to dance, and others start to relax and start dancing too. When the song ends, Draven dips me and kisses me. Brooke comes up to us. "Ok. Ok. Break it up!"

"Geese, someone's pushy." Draven says.

"Watch it. Or I'll murder you." The night continues like nothing ever happened, like these people didn't just witness a demon and an angel dancing together. Draven starts to breathing heavily.

"Draven, what's wrong?"I ask.

"Nothing I'm alright."

"NO! You're not fine! You've been acting strange all week! And it's making me worry!" Ic cry. Draven takes my wrist and brings me outside.

"Listen, I'm sorry for making you worry. But I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to hurt you anymore than I already will. Angel... I love you. And I want to keep you safe." He looks heartbroken. "I'm dying angel." That got me. Tears start filling in my eyes.

"No! I refuse to let you go! Please, please tell me there's a way to save you!" I can tell he's trying his absolute hardest to prevent himself from crying. "Please."

"There is... one way..."

"Yes? What is it?"

"I'm not going to let you go through with that." I slap him.

"Tell me!! I like my boyfriend alive... not dead!"

"Angel no! I can't let you do this. I refuse to hurt you. I just wanted to make you happy one last time before I die." A tear runs down his face. We embrace each other. This can't be the last time I hug him. It can't!! I'm crying harder than I ever have in my entire life. "I love you angel." He kisses me, and fades away. Brooke comes out of the dance to see me on my knees crying.

"SAM! What happened?! WHAT THE HELL DID THAT DAMN DEMON DO TO YOU?!?!" Brooke demands.

"He's gone." I cry. Brooke holds me as I cry out.

I don't know when this happened but I find myself on my bed at home. My father stands in the doorway knowing the pain I just went through. He sits down on the bed beside me.

"I'm really sorry Sam. But look on the bright side, he's out of his suffering." My father says trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah. I guess." My father sighs.

"I wasn't supposed to say thins, but I don't like to see my daughter in pain. Draven is downstairs." I shoot up from my bed and run downstairs. The moment I get to the bottom I se him. Draven. The first thing I do is slap him for making me go through that hell, then I cry.

"Draven, I-I... what happened?" He wipes the tears from my face.

"You made one hell of a sacrifice. You gave up 2 of your wings, to save me." And there they are. Long white angel wings on Draven. "I love you lots angel." He kisses me again... and I know this won't be the last one we have together.


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