After The Cameras Go Off

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"ALRIGHT!! THAT'S A WRAP!!" a director shouts. Sam, Brooke and Draven walk out of the set and into the studio.

"Man. What a day. My feet are killing me." Draven says. He starts rubbing his feet.

"You must admit, that was fun running around on set for 5 hours!" Brooke says.

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious." Sam says. She flops on her bed. "This is the face of defeat." After 20 minutes of laying around, Brooke gets an idea.

"Guys! I know what we should do! We should sneak into Author-Chan's office and see the next script!" The three of them jump up.

"Yes!" Draven and Sam shout at the same time.

"TO AUTHOR-CHAN'S OFFICE!!" Before putting their plan into action, the three of them grab Desman and sneak into Author-Chan's office, and go rummaging through her desk. "I FOUND THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT FOR CHAPTER ONE!!" Brooke holds it proudly in the air.

"Grab my sketchbook and shove it into my bag.

Suddenly Brooke burst through my door with my father's lifeless body. "Quick we need to run the cops are in the way!" Before I can even speak she turned into a dragon and flew away with me to Narnia!!!"

Desman's eyes widen.

"Different father! Different father!" Sam says trying to reassure him. He sighs in relief.


"Author-Chan! What are you planning on doing for your next chapter?!" an excited fan ask.

"I haven't quite thought about that yet. But I'm going to my office after all the questions are finished to work on it." Author-Chan replies with a smile.

"Where did you get the inspiration for your stories?" a teenaged girl asks.

"Mostly the random dreams I get. Sometimes I get inspired by movies I watch or books I read."

"Have you ever thought about writing fanfics?" another teenaged girl asks.

"Umm. I dunno. I might write some in the future, but... I don't know what kind of fan-fiction I'd write." Her agent walks up to her.

"I'm sorry to say this Author-Chan, but I'm afraid you must finish up the rest of the questions, and head back to your office to work on the script for the next chapter." her agent says. Her fans look sad at the news.

"Don't worry my sweeties. If you have a question or suggestion that you have for me, you can always ask them on my Instagram and Twitter." (I have neither.) Author-Chan walks to her office to see the chaos happening.


"Oh shit." Brooke says. She grabs a flower pot and throws it on the floor. "SCATTER!!" They all scramble out of the room through various exits.

"GET BACK HERE!!!" Author-Chan starts running around the studio looking for those damn cast members. Where the hell did those morons disappear to? She runs around for about an hour. Draven, Brooke and Sam have found a recording booth.

"I wonder what kind of mayhem we could come up with in here." Draven says. They walk inside to see a bunch of fancy buttons.

"Fancy buttons!! I wonder what they do!!" Brooke says with a wee bit too much excitement. Before they can do anything, Author-Chan finds them.

"There you are!!" Just like that... the chase begins again. "If you stop running now, and surrender, I'll make your punishment somewhat bearable!"

"You have to catch us first!" Sam shouts.

"GOD DAMN IT!! YOU DAMN CAST MEMBERS!" The chase lasts for about 45 minutes.

"Ok... I think we should be safe. At least for now." Sam says completely out of breath. They all sigh with relief when they hear Author-Chan run past the closet they're hiding in. Draven and Sam are really close.

"This is really nice and all... now kiss." Brooke grabs the collar of their shirts and pulls them together, making their lips meet. Brooke gave their hiding spot away when she did this because she was laughing too loud. Author-Chan opens the door to the closet.

"FOUND YO-*... should I ask what's going on? Or should I give you two a couple hours alone in here?" Sam and Draven's cheeks go bright red.

"What the hell is taking you so long? I got them to kiss within 5 seconds!" Brooke says. Author-Chan flips off Brooke. "Rude." Author-Chan whacks them in the head and drags them to the filming area. They sit on chairs with massive bumps on their heads.

"Now... what did you learn?" Author-Chan asks while tapping her foot on the floor.

"That they're pointless side characters." Sam says pointing at Brooke, Draven and Desman.

"HEY! I'm the love interest!" Draven shouts.

"We all know that the badass best friend is more likeable and interesting than the love interest." Brooke says.

"What about the loveable, caring father?" Desman asks.

"Non of this is cannon! We can do and say whatever we want!" Sam shouts. Wolf-Chan walks into the filming area to see Author-Chan whacking the cast members.

"Uummm... should I ask, or should I just stay confused?" Wolf-Chan asks. Author-Chan looks over at Wolf-Chan.

"I'm just dealing with some annoying cast members." Author-Chan replies. Wolf-Chan nods.

"Right... have fun with that! I've gotta go check on my own pesky cast members." Wolf-Chan says before ducking out the door. Author-Chan turns back to the cast.

"Can I get some ice cream? Considering that I didn't get it in chapter 6!!" Brooke says. A studio worker brings Brooke some rainbow ice cream. She takes it and starts eating it. Author-Chan smacks her hand against her forehead. Brooke finishes her ice cream.

"God damn it!" Author-Chan is losing her patience, and whacks Brooke upside the head. "Now... everyone... go to your rooms and relax. And don't come out until the script is ready!!" Everyone gets up and Draven picks up Sam bridal style.

"Hey! I'm the badass friend! I should carry her!" Brooke takes Sam from Draven's arms.

"I'm the overprotective father." Then Desman takes Sam and carries her to her room. Author-Chan goes back to her office and cleans up the mess the four of them made. After that, she works on the next chapter with a massive splitting headache.


So... this is just a happy little thing I wanted to work on. Non of this will be in the actual story. It'll be a regular chapter next, if someone wants me to do this again, I'll be more than happy to. Thank you for reading this Bullshit chapter.

~Sincerely Chibi_Lord17

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