Chapter 8

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Sam's POV:

I wake up in Draven's arms in the hospital. He looks peaceful. His heart is steady, and his breathing is calm. I kiss his cheek.

"Good morning Angel." Draven says.

"Good morning handsome." I reply. He puts his finger under my chin, and leans closer to me, and kisses me.

"AHEM!" We look over to see Brooke with an unamused look on her face. "Am I interrupting?" I sit up and swing my legs off the side of the bed.

"Yes. Do you need something?" I ask.

"I'm here to bring you two home." Brooke replies. We get ready to leave, but I'm stopped by a doctor.

"Ah Mrs. Samantha, we discovered what happened to you. It appears that you had some kind of violent panic attack. Have you been doing anything to make your heart race in a bad way lately?" The doctor asks.

"No. Not that I can really think of." I reply. We continue walking to Brooke's car. She drives me home, and Draven kisses me before leaving. I walk inside to see my father sitting at the kitchen table. He stands up and hugs me.

"Sam, thank god you're ok." my father says.

"Yes dad. I'm fine. The doctor said that I went through some kind of violent panic attack." I reply. He sighs with relief.

"You had me worried half to death."

"I'm sorry dad."

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault that happened." He kisses the top of my head. He lets me go and I sit down at the table. He hands me some lunch. "I have to go to work. I'll be late coming home. I'm sorry angel."

"It's okay. I'll be safe." My father smiles.

"Thank you, Sam. I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses my forehead and leaves. I start on some homework, but after a while of getting a massive headache, I stop. I go upstairs into my room. I play some videos games that Brooke recommended for me. I play until it's about 8:30pm. I should probably eat something. I walk downstairs to the fridge and pull out some food that my father prepared. He always knows. I start eating the delicious food. After that I walk upstairs to play some more videos games. After a small bit I hear a rap on my window. I turn around to see Draven.

"Draven?" I open the window. "What are you doing here?"

"You've been clouding my mind like the plague. I had to come see you." He hops into my room through my work. "Plus I have something I want to show you." He hands me a blue flower. It has this sort of galaxy effect. It's dark blue on the inside but goes lighter towards the tips of the flower petals, with white speckles everywhere. I take the flower.

"It's beautiful. Thank you Draven." He cups his hands over mine. A dark ora escapes out of the cracks in our hands and the flower turns into a bracelet. Draven take it and wraps it around my wrist. After a moment of this cheesy crap. "Draven, how did you get to my house? And how did you get to my window on the second floor?"

"I may or may not have flown here."

"You have wings?" Draven reveals his long black, bat like wings. His horns, fangs, tail, and the iris of his eyes are bright red, and the rest of his eyes are black. After seeing how much of a sweetheart he can be... this doesn't scare me as much as it probably should. I pay his head. "This might make you think I'm completely insane... but... you look adorable."

"How does this not scare the living daylights out of you?"

"After seeing how affectionate you are, and how big of a sweetheart you can be... this doesn't scare me as much as it should."

"Guess I should've seen that one coming." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. "I love you angel." He kisses me before I can respond.

"I love you too. Now... what was it that you wanted to show me?" Draven starts rubbing a spot on my back. My back cracks and my wings are out.

"That sounded like it hurt."

"My back actually feels a lot better now." Draven start poking at my wings, and strokes my feathers. "Draven that tickles! What are you doing?!"

"I'm making sure that you have feeling in your wings. Because some wings can go permanently paralyzed if they're trapped like yours were." He looks puzzled.

"Is something wrong?"

"You're a double winged angel?" A double winged angel? He must have seen the confusion on my face because he continues. "Double wings are rare, and it mean you have 4 wings instead of 2. It's also said them at double winged are stronger than single winged." He takes my hands and leads me to my window.

"Draven... I've never flown before."

"Just relax. I'll catch you if you fall." Draven, still holding my hands, jumps backwards out my window! Needless to say I fall out with him. As if on instinct, my wings catch me before Draven does. "See my dear. You're a natural!" He takes my hand and we fly into the night sky. He takes me above the city. It's all lit up with bright lights.

"This is beautiful."

"The surprise hasn't even begun!" Draven starts flying to the park. We land on the ground with a bit of difficulty. I nearly trip trying to land, but Draven grabs my arms before I hit the ground. We walk to a small area of the park. There's a small canopy, with lanterns hanging from it.

"You dragged me out of my room... for a date?" Draven starts to smile.

"I thought it would be nice. Do you not like it?"

"No... I love it." We lay on the ground looking at the stars, until the clouds roll in and it starts to rain. We make it back to my house completely soaked.

"Wow! We were outside for less than a minute and we're drenched!" Draven laughs at that. He looks over at me. "If you need to get changed into some dry clothing I'll head back to Brooke's." I wrap my arms around him.

"No. I don't want anything happening to you." Draven gets changed in the bathroom and I get changed in my room. I'm wearing my nice white, flowy dress. Draven walks back in my room shirtless. Normally I'd be blushing and hiding my face, but his body is covered in so many scars that it completely takes my mind off the fact that I'm staring at his bare torso.

"Angel? Is something wrong?" Draven's words snap me out of my trance.

"Your body. It's covered in scars."

"All the joys of growing up in hell." Draven hugs me, and I hug him back. I can feel all the scars on his back. Some are so fresh that they have stitches on them. "It's ok. I'm fine. My past is not what I'm going to let define me." He kisses my neck. We crawl into bed and cuddle until we fall asleep.

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