And then you heard his voice that was still as soft as the cherry blossoms in spring.

"Hoseok, good to see you man." It said, almost timidly.

You released a breath you didn't know you were holding as Jungkook squeezed it again. You smiled at him thankfully, not noticing the voices becoming louder until you felt Jungkooks tail going stiff by your side.

Just passed his shoulder stood Hoseok, and to the left of him Jimin.

Park fucking Jimin. There stood the beautiful face you never thought you'd have to see again. Except instead of his devilish black locks now took the form of a copper brown he ran his small yet masculine fingers through. A habit you picked up he did when he was nervous.

You could sense the remorse in his eyes. "Y/n." He whispered voice almost cracking.

What were you thinking?

Even with his cocky attitude and sly remarks, he wasn't that bad of a guy, was he? He surly didn't look like one. Not now anyway. Yeah, he was annoyingly self righteous, but he never put you in harms way. Not until that night at least. Even so, you know he tried countless times to apologize to you, and when you blatantly ignored him, he backed off.


Jimin took a few steps forward, before your line of view was cut off by non other then Jungkook.

Compared to Jimin, Jungkook was much taller. His large hand was gripped in yours begging not to be let go of, and his broad shoulders obstructed the little view of Jimin you had to begin with.

Jungkooks eyes were narrowed at one thing and one thing only. Jimin noticed Jungkooks pointed ears and hardened features. His stance was one he knew all to well in the profession he was in.

Having worked with multiple hybrid types over the years, Jimin knew their habits. What they liked and disliked. The front that the feline adjacent him had, clearly wanted to show his superiority over him.

Jimin wasn't scared at all. He'd dealt with types like Jungkook his entire career and knew how to handle him. However, he knew you were there watching him. Judging him. Clearly the hybrid meant something to you if you had agreed to call him for help.

Oh how he wished your opinion of him wasn't so skewed. He's a jerk. He knows this, but he would never intentionally do anything to harm you.

He'd always been a show off. Around you he became nervous though, always saying stupid things without thinking first. Plus to him, you were irresistible. Especially when you were alone with him, drunk. With rosey apple colored cheeks and a smile so dreamy it puts shame to the fluffy pools of water in the sky.

That night he wanted- no needed you. He couldn't help himself anymore especially in his intoxicated state of mind. When you had pushed him away from you like he were some kind of rabid stray, his heart shattered into a million tiny pieces, too small and scattered to put back into place.

The next morning when he realized what he had done, he felt like a total jackass. He had tried to get in touch with you numerous times to apologize, but, to no avail. So when he heard from your mutual friend Hoseok that you were in need of his help, he had dropped his entire schedule for the day to come to your rescue, hoping he could be of some help to you. And maybe so you could forgive him.

Which is why he decided to play along with Jungkooks little game of alpha, omega.

Raising both hands as a sign of defeat, Jimin took two steps back before lowering them again.

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