Chapter 83: A Beautiful Dress a Present and a Castle

Start from the beginning

I decide to just go for it. You only live once right? I feel a little strange as I slip the dress on sans underwear, but I'm not turning back now. I carefully zip the dress up and pull on some silver strappy heels.

I take a look in the mirror and instantly want to send a thank you lettter Reem Acra herself for designing such a beautiful dress. It's amazing.

I head back into what we've deemed "Lou's Beauty Room" aka Zayn and Perrie's hotel room. I'm met with squeels as Poppy sees me.

"Ava, you are stunning!" Perrie gushes.

Lou nods in agreement, "Really beautiful Ava. Harry's one lucky lad."

"You make a woman contemplate switching sides Ava! Really just cracking!" Poppy hugs me. Of course she has to take it one step further.

"Your car is waiting downstairs. I'll text you when we arrive okay?" Lou informs me as she hands me my clutch.

I nod and head for the door. Downstairs I find a black Lincoln town car waiting for me, which is strange being I just called for a cab. I slip into the backseat and the driver turns around to me.

"Miss McCain I was asked to give you this." He smiles at me as he hands me a tiffany blue square box with a note attached.

I smile as I read the note...

'Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. -H'

My heart melts at his words. Could he be more perfect?

I gasp as I open the box, finding a the most beautiful bracelet I've ever seen. Its a white gold cuff that's covered in different sized white diamonds. It's absolutely gorgeous, but it's way to much. I quicky pull out my phone and dial Harry, only to be sent straight to voicemail. My phone dings just as I stick it back into my clutch.

1 New Text Message

Harry <3

~You like it? -H xxx

To Harry: OMG yes, but answer me please!

~So you can tell me you can't accept it? Noooooope. Not happening. :) -H

To Harry: Are you trying to buy my affection Styles?

~From the woman who is going to support me when we get old? Don't think so. -H xoxox

To Harry: Nice plan. I'll see you in a few hours.

~You better be wearing your gift. Don't make me use my pouty face. -H

To Harry: Threatening to use my weakness against me? I would normally respond with some snarky remark but since you got me a present I'm just going to stick with Thank You and you really are the bestest.

~You're welcome love. See you soon. -H

To Harry: ;)

I slip the bracelet on my wrist, admiring the way it sparkles. How am I ever going to properly thank him for this? I push my immediate thought out of my mind, cursing Poppy for being a bad influence on me.

The drive to where the ball is located is just long enough for me send a few emails and to text Freya, Finn, and Olivia back. I haven't kept in touch with them as much as I'd like to, but they all knew about the event tonight and had wished me luck. I really hope we are all able to get together soon.

My eyes widen as the car pulls onto the long driveway. I was told it was going to be at a castle, but I never imagined it would be at Versailles! This is amazing.

I should of known it was going to be over the top with how deep the pockets are of the other members of the board. Sadly these things have become a bit more about publicity and less about the actual charity. That's something I could easily influence if I took on a more active role.

I smile at the young man who opens the door for me and lends me his hand to help me out.

I make my way inside, my jaw dropping at the massive entryway that holds a huge winding staircase with royal blue carpeting. There isn't one thing about this place that isn't ornate and absolutely beautiful. From the murals painted on the ceilings right down to the detailing on the floor.

I'm happy to see one of my grandmothers old friends, Margaret, making her way over to me. She's the one in charge over the event and is who I've kept in contact with regarding this and several other charities. I've met her several times before when I was visiting my grandmother.

"Kelsey darling! How are you?" She smiles warmly at me and gives me a tight squeeze.

"Wonderful. How are you?"

"I'll be much better with a few glasses of champagne in me!" She laughs and holds me at arms length, "You look gorgeous! You really do remind me of Katherine with your hair up like that."

"Thank you." I smile at her.

"Oh I forgot you go by your middle name now, is that right?"

"Yes, Ava, and grandmother's maiden name." I respond, thankful she remembered.

"Right! Do forgive me! I'm all out of sorts this evening!"

I shake my head, "Really, it's not a problem."

"Lovely! Now follow me, we have work to do. I can't thank you enough for all your help."

I follow her through several rooms as she goes over tonight's schedule with me. Thankfully it's filled mostly with eating, dancing, and drinking.

"This is where dinner will be served." She informs me as we enter the dining room. There's a very long dining table running down the length of the room; it's set with beautiful glass china, gold silverware, and crystal glasses. There's white flowers running along the middle of it, giving the whole setting a more romantic feel.

We go over the menu together and make sure everything is in place with the caterer and waiters before moving on.

She next takes me into the the ballroom which is also called the hall of mirrors. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. The whole room is magnificent and the candlelight glow coming from the chandeliers makes everything even more spectacular.

The band is warming up and I can already tell they won't disappoint.

Margaret and I go over the set list with them, making a few minor changes before everything seems perfect.

By the time we are done the guests have started to arrive so I sneak away to check my face and make some quick touch ups if needed.

I can hear the music begin to play as I make my way back to the ballroom. I'm stopped by multiple acquaintances of my grandmother as I try to find my friends. I know they're here since Lou texted me they had arrived not to long ago.

I finally spot them across the room, relieved to see people I actually know.

I quickly glance over them till my eyes find the one person I'm wanting to see the most.




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