”wait really?.. that's really good!” i said happily clapping my hands

”yeah, and i also have to finish these papers. See ya later gurl” she said then walks off

”see ya” i said watching her go inside her Laboratory.

”now it's my turn to finish the papers” i sighed and went to the room.

I went inside,


Hm, weird.

”Jiminnnn where are you?”

I pouted trying to look for him.


”whAt Tf-”

*Insert to be continued meme*

”heY, why would you do that” i said smacking his arm


My face went red kdkcjwjxiis

”i’ll break your foot next time” i threatened

”okay okay I'm sorry” The Blonde Haired Guy says chuckling

I laughed and said ”come, let's finish the papers before boss will kick our butts”

an Hour Later..

”MISS EVA!!” My Co-worker, Melissa Suddenly bursted into the Office

”M-Melissa? What's the matter?” I said, while Me And Jimin Looked at Her in Shock

”a Patient--” Melissa said catching her Breath.
”Mr. Choi is having a heart surgery and the surgeons can't bare it, Miss Eva Help please” She said.

I put my surgery mask on and looked at Jimin Signaling him to come.

”show me the way” with that being said, we three ran to the patient's room


”M-Miss Eva!, Thank you so much for coming” One of The surgeon's said

I nodded and took the tool i needed for the patient, and Started Continuing The surgery.

4 hours passed..

Me, Jimin and Hasu walked out of the room after the surgery.

”Thank you Miss Eva, The surgery was one of the hardest once. Without you, Mr. Choi could've been dead” Hasu said Smiling at me.

”it's no problem Hasu” i said smiling at her back.

”hey you know I'm still here!” Jimin Suddenly Jumped in our conversation.

”hahaha, anyway. What time is it?” looking at Jimin who's wearing a Rolex.

”2:20 PM, Why?” I widened my eyes hearing him say that.

”oh no, I'm so late!” I said grabbing My things to run out of the Hospital.

”what? Why?” Hasu said confused.

”I-I’m Late to pick up my daughter”

”oh, it's okay. You should go now” Hasu and Jimin said smiling

”bye guys!” said, smiling at them both.


at Ava's School..

I quickly got off the car to see Ava standing there with her head down low. I was upset seeing her like that

”Ava!” i said running to her

She suddenly got her head up looking for the voice.

She ran to me hugging my legs

”hello sunshine,” i bent down to her level

”i’m sorry honey, mommy was busy with something”
I looked at her with a sad face

”it's okay mommy, also Mr. Jeon is waiting for you” she said looking at me.

”Mr. Jeon? Wh-” that's when i remembered i had to meet up with her teacher and talk about her grades and how she's doing in school.

”oh yeah, i completely forgot!” said chuckling, ”let's go then” i said smiling, grabbing her hand and walking inside the school.

To be continued..

Ahem, yes. Ik it's been a year since i haven't posted anything but I'm still working on this Fanfiction, I really don't think it's a good story, but I'm trying my best and make it nice.
Also I'm sorry for the short chapter umu,
I'll make sure the Next one will be longer.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, bye uwu

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